Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions
Contact: Committee Team Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors, Rue Grewal, Ian Morris and Sara Bedford.
The Chair was advised that the Vice Chair was on his way and will be arriving shortly.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 101 KB To confirm as being a correct record the minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 8 October 2024 and for them to be signed by the Chair. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the Full Council meeting, held on 8 October 2024 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair of the meeting.
It was announced that, in future, draft minutes of Full Council meetings will be circulated 10 calendar days after the meeting to Group Leaders.
Chair's Announcements To receive an update on the Chair’s activities since the last meeting. Minutes: The Chair announced that they had attended various events since the last Full Council meeting in October 2024, with the most recent event held on 8 December 2024 at the Northwood & Ruislip United Synagogue.
The Chair also announced that he will be hosting festive food and drinks after the meeting, and invited attendees to join him.
The Chair thanked all those who attended the memorial service of former Councillor Roger Seabourne who had passed away recently, and requested that a minute silence be observed in tribute to former Councillor Seabourne.
Councillor Chris Whately-Smith left the room at 20:38, and returned at 20:43.
Councillors Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Chris Mitchell, Oliver Cooper, Stephen Cox, Chris Lloyd and Sarah Nelmes paid tribute to former Councillor Seabourne.
Petitions To consider any petitions received by the Council under Procedure Rule 18. Minutes: None received.
It was brought to the attention of Members that a petition had been received indirectly by the Council at the Rickmansworth Local Area Forum on 14 November 2024.
In response to the points raised regarding the petition, it was clarified that the petition had been passed onto the relevant officers, and the lead petitioner had been advised that the petition will be heard.
Members referenced Rule 18 (4) of the Council’s Constitution, emphasising the importance of following established procedures for handling petitions within the council framework, and Group Leaders should determine the appropriateness of petitions for committee presentation.
The lead petitioner was advised that the petition could not be heard at the meeting as it was not on the Full Council agenda. They will be contacted at a later date, after the Group Leaders have been consulted on the petition.
Questions from the Public PDF 239 KB To receive any questions from the public submitted under Procedure Rule 15 and to note the answers provided. Minutes: The written questions and written answers provided were included in the summons and could be viewed using the link below:
Agenda for Full Council on Tuesday, 10th December, 2024, 7.30 pm - Modern Council
Council Tax Base 2025/26 PDF 286 KB
That the calculation of the Council’s tax base for the year
2025/26 be approved. 2. That in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by the Three Rivers District Council as its council tax base for the year 2025/26 shall be:-
Minutes: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Jonathon Solomons.
It was noted that Croxley Green Parish Council should have been referred to correctly in the report.
Councillor Tony Humphreys arrived at 20:52.
Key points on property growth and collection rate assumptions were discussed, detailing that the estimated collection rate is set at an unusually high 99%. However, historical data shows that the actual collection rate for the previous year was lower, raising concerns about the accuracy of the current estimate and urging for a more prudent approach.
It was clarified that this item has consistently been on the agenda for Full Council and followed the recommendations of the Director of Finance, therefore, there was no reason to alter this practice. The incorrect listing of Croxley Green Parish Council in the report was noted and the necessary amendment will be made.
On being put to the Council the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, the voting being 25 For, 0 Against, 11 Abstention.
1. That
the calculation of the Council’s tax base for the year
2025/26 be approved. 2. That in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by the Three Rivers District Council as its council tax base for the year 2025/26 shall be:-
Review of Gambling Policy PDF 367 KB On the recommendation of the Licensing Committee:
1. To agree the revised Policy found at Appendix B (this is a tracked document highlighting the amendments made to the current policy) and recommend that Full Council adopt the Policy with effect from 14 January 2025. 2. To adopt a ‘No Casino Resolution’ which will be inserted into the Policy and recommend that Full Council adopt the Policy with effect from 14 January 2025.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair stated that this item had been accepted as urgent business, and was published late as a supplement, due to the policy being presented to the Licensing Committee on 4 December 2024.
Councillor Harry Davies moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Andrew Scarth.
Members welcomed the revised policy with the ‘No Casino Resolution’ clause.
1. To agree the revised Policy found at Appendix B (this is a tracked document highlighting the amendments made to the current policy) and l Council adopt the Policy with effect from 14 January 2025.
2. To adopt a ‘No Casino Resolution’
Recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel PDF 289 KB To agree that from 1 April 2025, the Three Rivers District Council Members’ Allowance Scheme is amended as follows:
To increase Basic and Special Responsibility
Allowances by the 12-month Consumer Price Index as at September
2024, and to index changes to these allowances in future years by
the 12-month Consumer Price Index as at the previous September, for
a period of four years. ·
To establish a two-type Care Allowance scheme such
that o
Childcare payments may be claimed at a cost of up to
£12.50 per hour, and to index changes to this rate to the
National Living Wage at such time as the National Living Wage would
be equal to or higher than £12.50 per hour, for a period of
four years. o Adult care payments may be claimed at the Hertfordshire County Council Home Care Rate of up to £25.48 per hour, and to index changes to this rate in future years to the Hertfordshire County Council Home Care Rate.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes.
The attendance of all Group Leaders at the last Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) meeting was noted. Key points discussed were the new care allowance schemes aimed at supporting individuals with childcare and adult care responsibilities. Members welcomed the recommendations.
On being put to Council the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council having been agreed by general assent.
To agree that from 1 April 2025, the Three Rivers District Council Members’ Allowance Scheme is amended as follows:
Calendar of Meetings 2026-27 PDF 218 KB To agree the calendar of meetings for the municipal year 2026-27, as detailed at Appendix 1. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst tabled a proposed amendment to the recommendation as follows, seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes:
To agree the Calendar of Meetings for the municipal year 2026-27, as detailed in Appendix 1, subject to any proposed changes to be reported to the Committee team by 31st January to enable an updated Calendar of meetings, if required, to be published in time for Full Council on 25th February 2025.
Members discussed the need for flexibility in scheduling additional meetings, which will need to be reported to the Committee team by 31 January 2025, to ensure an updated calendar can be published in time for the Full Council meeting on 25 February 2025.
Concerns were raised regarding the management of meeting dates; specifically involving two incidents where meeting dates had been changed without unanimous agreement. It was suggested that a more transparent and fair approach is needed in scheduling meetings in future.
Members acknowledged that while events may shift due to unforeseen circumstances, the intent is to provide a two-year calendar as a guideline for planning meetings well in advance. Furthermore, future calendar adjustments should be discussed collaboratively by Group Leaders.
On being put to Council the motion with the proposed amendment was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council having been agreed by general assent.
To agree the Calendar of Meetings for the municipal year 2026-27, as detailed in Appendix 1, subject to any proposed changes to be reported to the Committee team by 31st January to enable an updated Calendar of meetings, if required, to be published in time for Full Council on 25th February 2025.
Policy and Resources Committee recommendations - 11 November 2024 To consider any recommendations arising from the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 11 November 2024. Minutes: The Chair stated that he will take the recommendations separately for each item.
Budget Monitoring Report to 30 September 2024 PDF 625 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Jonathan Solomons moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst.
Members expressed dissatisfaction with the current budget monitoring practices and variance reporting within the Council. It was noted that variances should only reflect unforeseen changes that could not have been anticipated when the budget was set. Members pointed out the detrimental practice of end of year spending to avoid budget cuts, arguing that successful budget management should focus on cost reduction and achieving underspends.
Members raised concerns regarding the significant increase in election expenses, noting a 100% rise, compared to previous years, and discussed the potential to consolidate elections to occur once every four years. It was noted however, that the costs associated with elections and the administration of the electoral roll are integral to maintaining democratic processes.
On being put to the Council the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, the voting being 25 For, 0 Against, 11 Abstention.
That the capital variances as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan. |
Local Development Scheme PDF 314 KB To agree the Local Development Scheme as set out in Appendix 3. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Louise Price.
Councillor Khalid Hussain left the meeting at 20:24 and returned at 20:26.
The Conservative Group expressed their disapproval of the proposal to modify the local plan in light of the new NPPF. They argued that relying on uncertain solutions undermines the integrity of the Green Belt, and emphasised the need for a robust evidence base to support any claims of harm. Furthermore, they highlighted the importance of preparing for potential changes in government and planning regulations. Councillor Oliver Cooper stated that he wished to put forward an amendment to ensure that evidence gathering for a low growth option is prioritised. Councillor Cooper offered to provide the proposed amendment in a written format, and confirmed that it has been sent via email to all Members of the Council, Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer.
Councillor Anne Winter left the meeting at 20:32 and returned at 20:34.
Councillor Philip Hearn tabled the proposed amendment as follows, seconded by Councillor Oliver Cooper:
The Conservative Group emphasised the critical need to protect the Green Belt in Three Rivers, and argued that the current NPPF does not require the redrawing of Green Belt boundaries. In addition, they urged immediate action to seize the opportunity to safeguard the Green Belt to prevent potentially disastrous consequences for local residents and the environment.
Councillor Sarah Nelmes left the meeting at 20:38 and returned at 20:39.
Members debated the proposed amendment; the Liberal Democrat Group expressing disappointment regarding the claims about planning feasibility, emphasising the importance of professional advice from Council officers.
The Conservative Group emphasised that the proposed amendment regarding the NPPF is contingent upon its publication date, specifically pointing out that if the NPPF is published after 28 February 2025, the amendment becomes non-operative. Furthermore, they pointed out that if the NPPF is not finalised, there should be no misunderstanding within the Council about delegating authority, or taking action based on an incomplete framework.
Councillors Joan King and Stephen King left the meeting at 20:49 and returned at 20:55.
Councillor Oliver Cooper moved for a recorded vote on the proposed amendment, seconded by Councillor Philip Hearn.
In response to a question raised regarding Councillors Joan King and Stephen King being able to vote on the proposed amendment, the Monitoring Officer confirmed that Councillors Joan King and Stephen King had not been ... view the full minutes text for item 35b |
Three Rivers District Council CCTV Policy 2024 PDF 223 KB 1. To agree the adoption of the new CCTV policy 2024 – 2028.
2. To delegate Authority to Associate Director of Corporate, Customer and Community to authorise minor changes to the policy, such as terminology, clarification, or administrative corrections with no significant impact. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Andrew Scarth moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst.
Councillor Tom Smith left the meeting at 21:12 and returned at 21:13.
Members considered the recommendation discussing the need to reduce the operating costs associated with the Community Crime Data Base (CCDB) while ensuring effective monitoring and data protection. A potential to explore a partnership with the Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership was suggested to enhance resource sharing and reduce expenses. However, Members pointed out that investigations revealed the proposals infeasibility due to the unique data handling of the Council’s existing camera systems, which differ from those used by other councils.
It was highlighted that community consultation showed a clear favour for the implementation of these security measures, reinforcing the argument that this initiative is not only sensible but also beneficial for the residents.
On being put to Council the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council having been agreed by general assent.
1. To agree the adoption of the new CCTV policy 2024 – 2028.
2. To delegate Authority to Associate Director of Corporate, Customer and Community to authorise minor changes to the policy, such as terminology, clarification, or administrative corrections with no significant impact.
Anti-social Behaviour Policy PDF 237 KB To agree the Three Rivers District Council Antisocial Behaviour Policy 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Andrew Scarth moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes.
On being put to the Council the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, the voting being 25 For, 0 Against, 11 Abstention.
To agree the Three Rivers District Council Antisocial Behaviour Policy 2024.
Risk Management Strategy PDF 124 KB To agree the Risk Management Strategy, as recommended by the Audit Committee and Policy and Resources Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Tony Humphreys.
Members expressed their gratitude to the Director of Finance and her team for their diligent management of fiscal risks.
Councillor Philip Hearn proposed an amendment to the Risk Management Strategy, seconded by Councillor Oliver Cooper, emphasising that the Green Belt is a crucial area that warrants consideration, and suggested adding the following amendment to Appendix A of the report:
Members expressed uncertainty about how the proposed amendment to include the impact of the Green Belt aligns with the Council's financial policies, particularly in relation to impact classification and legal obligations.
The Chair requested for the proposed amendment to be provided in writing to Members, the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer.
Councillor Harry Davies left the meeting at 21:22 and returned at 21:23.
The Chief Executive clarified that while the Risk Management Strategy focuses on corporate risks, there should be a debate on whether certain risks ought to be included in the strategy, on the basis that this is about corporate risks to the organisation, as outlined in 7.1 within the strategy.
The Conservative Group argued against the misconception that the Risk Management Strategy is solely financial, emphasising the importance of including non-financial factors such as service disruption, reputation, legal obligations and community impact. They suggested that specific thresholds, related to Green Belt development should be established to better mitigate risks and delegating the setting of these thresholds to the Audit Committee.
Members raised concerns that there seem to be a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the purpose of the table within the Risk Management Strategy, and while they supported the importance of the Green Belt, they argued that this discussion was not appropriate for the current meeting, and should be debated at the Audit Committee with auditors present. Furthermore, they expressed frustration that this had not been raised prior to the meeting, and emphasised the need for proper procedure, including consulting with officers and allowing for a thorough review of the suggestion. In addition, Members proposed that the item be withdrawn unless an immediate decision was legally required.
The Chief Executive responded by clarifying that the decision to withdraw the amendment to the motion lies with the proposer. If the proposer chooses not to withdraw the amendment, a decision will be required.
Councillor Philip Hearn stated that he wished to withdraw the amendment to the motion, on the understanding that the proposed amendment will be considered at the next Audit Committee meeting.
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst reiterated that Councillor Philip Hearn had withdrawn his proposed amendment based on the agreement that the amendment will go to Audit Committee for consideration. In response the Chief Executive clarified that a vote is then required on the substantive item if it is to remain on the ... view the full minutes text for item 35e |
CIL Spending Requests July 2024 PDF 527 KB 1. To approve CIL funding for the following schemes detailed in Table 1 of this report and summarised in the table below for 2024/2025:
2. That final funding and implementation of the 4 agreed projects is delegated to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Lead Members for Resources and Planning Policy and Infrastructure, to determine to enable the agreed projects to be progressed and implemented.
3. That authority is delegated to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Lead Members for Resources and Planning Policy and Infrastructure, to amend budgets to allow the CIL allocations to be actioned and the monies spent. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Louise Price.
Members expressed gratitude to all those involved in the four CIL applications.
Councillor Joan King confirmed that securing the additional CCTV provision was due to Councillor Stephen Cox’s efforts.
Members noted with strong disapproval that misinformation had been circulated about the alleged influence of Parish Councillors on police actions, emphasising that such claims are unfounded, and voiced their concerns about names being used in a leaflet without proper context.
It was noted that the amount received for the Sarratt Parish Council KGV pavilion is substantial but not the full amount initially requested. The possibility for Council to consider any funding applications favourably in future was suggested.
The Conservative Group addressed concerns regarding the CCTV policy, emphasising that the primary issue lies not in capital costs but in operational expenses. They highlighted data from Hertfordshire Constabulary indicating that certain areas in Three Rivers are particularly vulnerable to crime, revealing three key blind spots in the current CCTV allocation. They expressed reservations about the current distribution of cameras, noting that only two of the allocated cameras are roving, while the others are fixed and unable to monitor other hotspots. They proposed an amendment for a more strategic allocation of CCTV resources to in three high-priority areas.
The Chair requested for the proposed amendment to be provided in writing, which was then circulated by Councillor Oliver Cooper electronically.
Councillor Oliver Cooper proposed the following amendment, seconded by Councillor Ciarán Reed:
o Mill End and Moneyhill o Near M25 Junction 18 o Outside the Co-op in Carpenders Park
Members argued that the amendment lacked necessary figures and stated that the allocation process is under the jurisdiction of the Community Safety Partnership. It was noted that some cameras have been relocated, specifically in Carpenders Park, which is acknowledged in the report.
Councillor Sarah Nelmes proposed to move to the next business, seconded by Councillor Chris Lloyd.
The Monitoring Officer stated that Council will move to a vote on the proposed amendment.
On being put to the Council the proposed amendment fell, the voting being 11 For, 22 Against, 3 Abstention.
The Chair declared that the amendment proposed by the Conservative Group fell.
The Chair stated that Councill will now vote on the substantive motion.
On being put to the Council the substantive motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, having been agreed by general assent.
1. To approve CIL funding for the following schemes detailed in Table 1 of this report and summarised in the table below for 2024/2025:
Policy and Resources Committee recommendations - 2 December 2024 To consider any recommendations arising from the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 2 December 2024. |
Fees and Charges 2025/26 PDF 258 KB 1. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 1 to be effective from 13 January 2025; 2. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 2 to be effective from 1 April 2025; 3. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 3 to be effective from 1 April 2025; 4. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 4 to be effective from 1 April 2025.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the amended recommendation, seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes as follows:
Councillor Chris Lloyd proposed to move to a vote without further debate, seconded by Councillor Louise Price.
The Chair stated that Councill will now vote on the motion.
On being put to the Council the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, the voting being 25 For, 0 Against, 11 Abstention.
In response to a question raised regarding a potential amendment, the Chief Executive explained that the motion had been received before any amendments could be considered and the motion was seconded, leading to a vote being called.
1. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 1 to be effective from 13 January 2025; 2. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 2 to be effective from 1 April 2025; 3. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 3 to be effective from 1 April 2025; 4. To approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at Appendix 4 to be effective from 1 April 2025.
Business Rate Pooling 2025/26 PDF 140 KB 1. That Council agrees in principle that Three Rivers District Council enters into the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, subject to the Government accepting its application to form a pool. 2. That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance to sign up to the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, within 28 days of the Local Government Finance Settlement. Minutes: Councillor Jonathon Solomons moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst.
The critical importance of council pooling was discussed with a highlight on the decision for Three Rivers not to join the Hertfordshire pool, and a more proactive approach to exploring pooling opportunities was suggested.
Members emphasised that discussions on business rate pooling should have been raised in earlier meetings and highlighted that legal and financial guidance had been provided.
On being put to the Council the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, having been agreed by general assent.
1. That Council agrees in principle that Three Rivers District Council enters into the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, subject to the Government accepting its application to form a pool. 2. That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance to sign up to the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, within 28 days of the Local Government Finance Settlement.
The meeting closed at 22:00.
Lead Member Reports PDF 421 KB To receive written reports from the Lead Members on activities falling within their remit since the last meeting of Full Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The item was not reached.
Questions to the Leader and Lead Members PDF 472 KB To receive the answers to questions submitted to the Leader and Lead Members. Minutes: The item was not reached.
Reports of, and Questions to, Committee Chairs To receive written reports from the Chairs of the Audit, Planning Licensing and Regulatory Committees and any question of those Chairs. Minutes: The item was not reached.
To consider any Motions submitted under Council Procedure 11.
Note: the motion proposed by Councillor Chris Michell and seconded by Councillor Cheryl Stungo (“Flooding”) was submitted to and determined at the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee meeting of 16 October 2024 and is not before the Council for debate.
Note: the motion proposed by Councillor Mike Sims and seconded by Councillor Oliver Cooper (“Aquadrome Path”) is for Council consideration under Procedure Rule 11.6. The motion is to be noted by Council and referred to the next suitable meeting of the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee. Accordingly, the motion is not before the Council for debate. Additional documents:
Minutes: The item was not reached.