Agenda item
To consider any Motions submitted under Council Procedure 11.
Note: the motion proposed by Councillor Chris Michell and seconded by Councillor Cheryl Stungo (“Flooding”) was submitted to and determined at the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee meeting of 16 October 2024 and is not before the Council for debate.
Note: the motion proposed by Councillor Mike Sims and seconded by Councillor Oliver Cooper (“Aquadrome Path”) is for Council consideration under Procedure Rule 11.6. The motion is to be noted by Council and referred to the next suitable meeting of the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee. Accordingly, the motion is not before the Council for debate.
Supporting documents:
- 0. 20241210 MOTION - Flooding (Mitchell, Stungo) - FOR INFORMATION, item 17. PDF 179 KB
- 1.20241210 MOTION - Oxhey Jets Football Club (Giles-Medhurst, Lloyd), item 17. PDF 172 KB
- 2.20241210 MOTION - Vaping (Lloyd, Winter), item 17. PDF 187 KB
- 3.20241210 MOTION - Roadbuilding (Giles-Medhurst, Price), item 17. PDF 172 KB
- 4.20241210 MOTION - Sewage and Waterways (Tankard, Lloyd), item 17. PDF 178 KB
- 5.20241210 MOTION - River Chess and Water Companies (Mitchell, Stungo), item 17. PDF 188 KB
- 6.20241210 MOTION - Local Plan Making (Mitchell, Sian), item 17. PDF 187 KB
- 7.20241210 MOTION - All Out Elections (Reed, Cooper), item 17. PDF 182 KB
- 8.20241210 MOTION - Emergency CIL Process (Reed, Merali), item 17. PDF 171 KB
- 9.20241210 MOTION - Aquadrome Path (Sims, Cooper), item 17. PDF 181 KB