Agenda item
Local Development Scheme
- Meeting of Full Council, Tuesday, 10th December, 2024 7.30 pm (Item 35b)
- View the background to item 35b
To agree the Local Development Scheme as set out in Appendix 3.
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Louise Price.
Councillor Khalid Hussain left the meeting at 20:24 and returned at 20:26.
The Conservative Group expressed their disapproval of the proposal to modify the local plan in light of the new NPPF. They argued that relying on uncertain solutions undermines the integrity of the Green Belt, and emphasised the need for a robust evidence base to support any claims of harm. Furthermore, they highlighted the importance of preparing for potential changes in government and planning regulations. Councillor Oliver Cooper stated that he wished to put forward an amendment to ensure that evidence gathering for a low growth option is prioritised. Councillor Cooper offered to provide the proposed amendment in a written format, and confirmed that it has been sent via email to all Members of the Council, Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer.
Councillor Anne Winter left the meeting at 20:32 and returned at 20:34.
Councillor Philip Hearn tabled the proposed amendment as follows, seconded by Councillor Oliver Cooper:
- To instruct and delegate power to officers to finish compilation of evidence base required for the Low Growth Option in the event that the NPPF commencement date is later than February 28th.
- To instruct and delegate power to officers to commence a Regulation 19 consultation on the Low Growth Option at the earliest opportunity, to last no longer than six weeks and one day.
- To arrange an emergency full council meeting at any notice and on any day required to amend the Local Development Scheme to fit that timeline.
- To agree £250,000 budget allocation for completion of said works.
The Conservative Group emphasised the critical need to protect the Green Belt in Three Rivers, and argued that the current NPPF does not require the redrawing of Green Belt boundaries. In addition, they urged immediate action to seize the opportunity to safeguard the Green Belt to prevent potentially disastrous consequences for local residents and the environment.
Councillor Sarah Nelmes left the meeting at 20:38 and returned at 20:39.
Members debated the proposed amendment; the Liberal Democrat Group expressing disappointment regarding the claims about planning feasibility, emphasising the importance of professional advice from Council officers.
The Conservative Group emphasised that the proposed amendment regarding the NPPF is contingent upon its publication date, specifically pointing out that if the NPPF is published after 28 February 2025, the amendment becomes non-operative. Furthermore, they pointed out that if the NPPF is not finalised, there should be no misunderstanding within the Council about delegating authority, or taking action based on an incomplete framework.
Councillors Joan King and Stephen King left the meeting at 20:49 and returned at 20:55.
Councillor Oliver Cooper moved for a recorded vote on the proposed amendment, seconded by Councillor Philip Hearn.
In response to a question raised regarding Councillors Joan King and Stephen King being able to vote on the proposed amendment, the Monitoring Officer confirmed that Councillors Joan King and Stephen King had not been present for a considerable amount of time whilst the proposed amendment was debated, therefore, they could not vote on the amendment.
The Monitoring Officer stated that the recorded vote will be taken in order of the seating arrangements.
On being put to the Council the proposed amendment fell; the outcome of the recorded vote was as follows:
FOR: (11) Councillors Christopher Alley, Abbas Merali, Lisa Hudson, Mike Sims, Vicky Edwards, Andrea Fraser, Ciarán Reed, Oliver Cooper, Philip Hearn, Reena Ranger, Debbie Morris.
AGAINST: (23) Councillors Stephen Cox, Cheryl Stungo, Chris Mitchell, Narinder Sian, Steve Drury, Andrew Scarth, Sarah Nelmes, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Louise Price, Chris Lloyd, Jon Tankard, Jonathon Solomons, Chris Whately-Smith, Elinor Gazzard, Khalid Hussain, Anne Winter, Kevin Raeburn, Tom Smith, Keith Martin, David Major, Harry Davies, Tony Humphreys, Raj Khiroya.
The Chair declared that the amendment, proposed by the Conservative Group, fell.
Members proceeded to discuss the substantive motion, reiterating that the primary goal is to protect the Green Belt for residents, and highlighted the challenges posed by shifting government policies and the necessity of proper resourcing for the small team working on the local plan.
Members acknowledged support from the Three Rivers Joint Residents Association and expressed their gratitude for the contributions of several Members and officers involved in the local plan. Furthermore, they emphasised the importance of further work and evidence needed to protect the Green Belt.
In response to a question raised regarding Councillors Joan King and Stephen King being able to vote on the substantive motion, the Monitoring Officer confirmed that they can vote on the substantive motion, the reason being that Councillors Joan King and Stephen King had been present for the initial debate, prior to the amendment, and returned in time to participate in the discussion of the substantive motion.
On being put to the Council the substantive motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, the voting being 25 For, 11 Against, 0 Abstention.
To agree the Local Development Scheme as set out in Appendix 3.
Supporting documents:
- Local Development Scheme, item 35b PDF 314 KB
- Appendix 1 - LPSC report on Implications of draft NPPF, item 35b PDF 270 KB
- Appendix 2 - LDS March 2024, item 35b PDF 612 KB
- Appendix 3 - LDS November 2024, item 35b PDF 737 KB