Agenda item
Risk Management Strategy
- Meeting of Full Council, Tuesday, 10th December, 2024 7.30 pm (Item 35e)
- View the background to item 35e
To agree the Risk Management Strategy, as recommended by the Audit Committee and Policy and Resources Committee.
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved the recommendation as set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Tony Humphreys.
Members expressed their gratitude to the Director of Finance and her team for their diligent management of fiscal risks.
Councillor Philip Hearn proposed an amendment to the Risk Management Strategy, seconded by Councillor Oliver Cooper, emphasising that the Green Belt is a crucial area that warrants consideration, and suggested adding the following amendment to Appendix A of the report:
- To add a separate column to the right of the second table at Appendix A, concerning impact of the Green Belt. The precise risk thresholds to be agreed by the Audit Committee.
Members expressed uncertainty about how the proposed amendment to include the impact of the Green Belt aligns with the Council's financial policies, particularly in relation to impact classification and legal obligations.
The Chair requested for the proposed amendment to be provided in writing to Members, the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer.
Councillor Harry Davies left the meeting at 21:22 and returned at 21:23.
The Chief Executive clarified that while the Risk Management Strategy focuses on corporate risks, there should be a debate on whether certain risks ought to be included in the strategy, on the basis that this is about corporate risks to the organisation, as outlined in 7.1 within the strategy.
The Conservative Group argued against the misconception that the Risk Management Strategy is solely financial, emphasising the importance of including non-financial factors such as service disruption, reputation, legal obligations and community impact. They suggested that specific thresholds, related to Green Belt development should be established to better mitigate risks and delegating the setting of these thresholds to the Audit Committee.
Members raised concerns that there seem to be a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the purpose of the table within the Risk Management Strategy, and while they supported the importance of the Green Belt, they argued that this discussion was not appropriate for the current meeting, and should be debated at the Audit Committee with auditors present. Furthermore, they expressed frustration that this had not been raised prior to the meeting, and emphasised the need for proper procedure, including consulting with officers and allowing for a thorough review of the suggestion. In addition, Members proposed that the item be withdrawn unless an immediate decision was legally required.
The Chief Executive responded by clarifying that the decision to withdraw the amendment to the motion lies with the proposer. If the proposer chooses not to withdraw the amendment, a decision will be required.
Councillor Philip Hearn stated that he wished to withdraw the amendment to the motion, on the understanding that the proposed amendment will be considered at the next Audit Committee meeting.
Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst reiterated that Councillor Philip Hearn had withdrawn his proposed amendment based on the agreement that the amendment will go to Audit Committee for consideration. In response the Chief Executive clarified that a vote is then required on the substantive item if it is to remain on the agenda.
On being put to the Council the substantive motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of Council, having been agreed by general assent, subject to the suggested changes to the strategy being considered at the Audit Committee.
To agree the Risk Management Strategy, as recommended by the Audit Committee and Policy and Resources Committee, subject to the suggested changes to the strategy being considered at the Audit Committee.
Supporting documents:
- Risk Management Strategy enc. 1, item 35e PDF 124 KB
- Risk Management Strategy 2024, item 35e PDF 909 KB