
Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions

Contact: Committee Team 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 359 KB

To confirm, as being a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of Full Council, held on 20 February 2024 and Annual Council, held on 21 May 2024 and for them to be signed by the Chair.


The minutes of the Full Council meeting, held on 20 February 2024 are to follow.

Additional documents:


Appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Members

The Leader to advise the Council in relation to:


       i.          The appointment of the Deputy Leader

      ii.          The appointment of Lead Members and their portfolio areas



Chair's Announcements

To receive an update on the Chair’s activities since the last meeting.



To consider any petitions received by the Council under Procedure Rule 18.


Questions from the Public pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To receive any questions from the public submitted under Procedure Rule 15 and to note the answers provided.


Policy and Resources Committee Recommendations

To consider any recommendations arising from the meetings of the Policy and Resources Committee held on:


11 March 2024

10 June 2024


Local Development Scheme pdf icon PDF 329 KB



That the Policy & Resources Committee recommend to Full Council the Local Development Scheme as set out in Appendix 2.

Additional documents:


Budget Monitoring Report to 31 January 2024 pdf icon PDF 364 KB



That the Policy and Resources Committee recommend to Council to:


       i.          That the revenue budget virements as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.

      ii.          That the revenue budget supplementary estimates as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.

     iii.          That the revenue variances to be managed as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be noted.

    iv.          That the capital variances as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.


Additional documents:


Budget Outturn 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 748 KB



That the Policy and Resources Committee recommend to Council:


i.       That the favourable revenue year end variance after carry forwards of £0.419m be noted.

ii.      That the capital year end position as summarised in paragraph 2.11 and Appendix 3 be noted.

iii.     To approve to carry forward the unspent service budgets from 2023/24 to 2024/25 which total £0.277m to enable completion of projects as detailed at Appendix 2.

iv.    To approve the rephasing of capital projects from 2023/24 to 2024/25 detailed at Appendix 4.



Additional documents:


Three Rivers Biodiversity Policy and BNG Update pdf icon PDF 472 KB



That the Policy and Resources Committee recommend to Full Council;


       i.          Note the content of the report.

      ii.          Approve the adoption of the Three Rivers Biodiversity Policy.

     iii.          Approve the use of the Maple Lodge BNG S106 funding being used on Three Rivers District Council owned land as identified in section 6 (Including: Beechen Wood, Coombe Hill Road open space, Berry Lane & Mead Place).

    iv.          Agree in principle for Council owned and maintained land to be considered as potential receptor sites with the final decision on individual receptor sites to be delegated to the Leisure, Climate Change and Community Committee.

Additional documents:


Leisure and Natural Infrastructure Contracts 2024 pdf icon PDF 334 KB

Appendix B is PART II because it deals with confidential information in relation to

funding agreements and the award of contracts.




That the Policy and Resources Committee recommend to Full Council that:


i.       Where external funding is identified in Appendices A and B that the Director of Finance be authorised to increase budgets in respect of the additional funding received.


Additional documents:


Local Area Forums - Proposed Amendments to Terms of Reference at Article 10 of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 209 KB

At the Annual General Meeting on 21 May 2024 Members indicated a wish to vary the terms of reference of the Local Area Forums which are contained in Article 10 of the Council’s constitution. It was proposed the terms of reference are amended to define the names of the forums, the regularity of meetings and the general procedures on how meetings are called, and agendas agreed. 




i)                 To consider the proposed amendments on local area forums detailed at Annex 1.

ii)                To approve the proposed amendments on local area forums at Annex 1 or propose and approve different amendments on local area forums.


Additional documents:


CIL Spending Requests 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 436 KB



       i.          That Members approve CIL funding for the following scheme detailed in Table 1 of this report and summarised in the table below for 2024/2025:


Applicant& ProjectName



TRDC Leisure Team Pedestrian Bridge Replacement


  (Appendix 1)


To replace the bridge due to its structural deterioration remains unchanged.


Beryl Bikes


(Appendix 2)


Croxley Green Bikeshare Extension


Batchworth Depot


(Appendix 3)


Groundworks and Drainage

Maintenance within the District


Chorleywood Common Youth Football Club


(Appendix 4)


Refurbishment of Current Pavilion



      ii.          The final funding and implementation of the 4 agreed projects is delegated to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Lead Members for Resources and Planning Policy and Infrastructure to determine to enable the agreed projects to be progressed and implemented.



Additional documents:


Lead Member Reports pdf icon PDF 487 KB

To receive written reports from the Lead Members on activities falling within their remit since the last meeting of Full Council.

·             Leader’s report

·             Resources

·             General Public Services

·             Housing and Public Health

·             Infrastructure and Economic Development

·             Community Safety and Partnerships

·             Leisure

·             Sustainability and Climate Change



Questions to the Leader and Lead Members pdf icon PDF 365 KB

To receive the answers to questions submitted to the Leader and Lead Members.


Reports of, and Questions to Committee Chairs pdf icon PDF 243 KB

To receive written reports from the Chairs of the Audit, Planning, Licencing and Regulatory Services Committees, and any questions of those Chairs.


Motions pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To consider any Motions submitted under Council Procedure 11.

Note: Exclusion of Public and Press

If Council wishes to consider any items in private, it will be necessary for the following resolution to be passed:


“that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined under paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act. It has been decided by the Council that in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.”