
Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions

Contact: Committee team 


No. Item




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 236 KB

To confirm, as being a correct record, the minutes of the Climate Change, Leisure & Housing, held on 24 July 2024, and for them to be signed by the Chair.



Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chair to rule on the admission of such items.


Carpenters Wood and Pheasants & Solomans Wood Management Plans pdf icon PDF 251 KB

New five-year management plans have been developed for Carpenters Wood in Chorleywood, and Pheasants and Solomans Wood in Rickmansworth/Mill End and Chorleywood.




That the Committee:


       i.          Adopt the new 5 year Management Plan for Carpenters Wood

      ii.          Adopt the new 5 year Management Plan for Pheasants and Solomans Wood

     iii.          Give delegated authority to the Director of Finance to enter into a contract or funding agreement above the value of £25,000, subject to securing external funding to facilitate works to support the implementation of the Management Plans.

Additional documents:



To receive any declarations of interest.



Budget Management Report P3 pdf icon PDF 199 KB

This report covers this Committees financial position over the medium term (2024 – 2027) as at Period 3 (end of June).




That Members note & comment on the contents of the report.


Additional documents:


Watersmeet Annual Review pdf icon PDF 216 KB

To receive a PowerPoint presentation on Watersmeet performance for financial year 2023-24.




That Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee note the Watersmeet Annual Review 2023-2024.


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Capital Grants pdf icon PDF 238 KB

In September 2018 a proposal was agreed by Policy and Resources Committee to restructure the councils external grant process. This resulted in development of service level agreements with selected local organisations using the revenue funding and small capital projects which the Leisure, Environment and Community Committee would agree to be allocated to the service area.


In October 2018 Leisure, Environment and Community Committee agreed the capital grant for 2019/20 and that future health and wellbeing projects would be detailed in the service plans of Strategy and Partnerships and Leisure. This funding has been spent on Outdoor Spaces. As five years have passed a review is required for allocation of the capital funding from 2024-2029. This report will explore the reasons and options for expenditure for the next 5 years with recommendations.




That the Committee acknowledge the report and share comments relating to the recommendations listed above.



Draft Service Plans 2025-28 pdf icon PDF 328 KB


This report provides an overview of the draft service plans which detail our ambitions, priorities, targets and how each service area is working towards delivering the Councils’ objectives outlined in the Corporate Framework. Key Performance Indicators and Service Volumes are included within the service plan alongside a link to the strategic, operational and climate resilience risks.




That the Committee comment on and/or request any amends to the draft service plans for 2025 – 2028. Final Service Plans will be agreed by Council alongside the budget.

Additional documents:


Climate and Sustainability Action Plan Bi-annual Update pdf icon PDF 644 KB

This report provides an update on the council’s performance against the Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy 2024 -2027, adopted by the Council on 12 December 2023, and it’s associated Action Plan (Appendix 1).



That the Committee note the progress made against the Climate Emergency and Sustainability Action Plan 2024 – 2027 and agree the forward direction of travel as outlined in this report.

Additional documents:


Fishing Swims Project - Contract Award pdf icon PDF 239 KB

The report seeks approval to award a contract for works to upgrade the fishing swims at Batchworth Lake, Rickmansworth Aquadrome, as part the delivery of the approved Aquadrome Management Plan, funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.




That the Committee agree the approval to award and enter into a contract with a chosen supplier, should a suitable tender be received, for upgrading the fishing swims at Batchworth Lake, Rickmansworth Aquadrome, as outlined in the report.


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South Oxhey Playing Fields Management Plan 2024-2029 pdf icon PDF 264 KB

New five-year management plan has been developed for South Oxhey Playing Fields in South Oxhey.




That the Committee:


  1. Adopt the new five year Management Plan for South Oxhey Playing Fields.
  2. Give delegated authority to the Director of Finance to enter into a contract or funding agreement above the value of £25,000, subject to securing external funding to facilitate works to support the implementation of the Management Plans.


Additional documents:


Leisure Facilities Management Annual Report pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Appendix A details the annual report from April 2023 – March 2024 from the council’s leisure facilities management contractor, Sports and Leisure Management (SLM). The annual report shares a reflection on the previous 12 months’ work and outlines the work programme for the coming year.




  1. That the 12-month work plan presented by Sports and Leisure Management is noted.
  2. That the 12-month work plan presented by Sports and Leisure Management be made available as part of the minutes of the meeting.


Additional documents:


Motions pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To consider any Motions submitted under Council Procedure 11.


OTHER BUSINESS - if approved under item 3 above