Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions

Contact: Committee Team 


No. Item


Appointment of Chair pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To appoint the Chair of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year.


It was moved by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst  and seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford that Councillor Raj Khiroya be elected Chair for the ensuing year. There being no further nominations, it was unanimously


RESOLVED that Councillor Raj Khiroya be appointed as the Chair of Three Rivers District Council for the 2024/25 municipal year.


Councillor Raj Khiroya made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chair and was invested with the Chair’s Chain of Office




Appointment of Vice-Chair

To elect the Vice-Chair of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year.


It was moved by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst and seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford that Councillor Tony Humphreys be appointed Deputy Chair for the ensuing year. There being no further nominations, it was unanimously


RESOLVED that Councillor Tony Humphreys be appointed Vice-Chair of Three Rivers District Council for the 2024/25 municipal year.


Councillor Tony Humpreys made and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Deputy Chair and was invested with the Deputy Chair’s Chain of Office


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 598 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 20 February 2024.



A query was raised in relation to the resolution in respect of the polling place review not being fully recorded.  It was agreed that approval of the minutes would be deferred to enable this to be clarified.


Declarations of Interest

Members are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and nonpecuniary interests they may have with respect to matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chair's Announcements

The Chair to make their announcements.


The Chair thanked Council for the honour of investing him as Chair of the Council for the ensuing municipal year and welcomed newly elected councillors.


Appointment of the Leader of the Council

To appoint the Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.


It was proposed by Councillor Sarah Nelmes, and seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford, that Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst be appointed as the Leader of the Council for the 2024/25 municipal year.  There being no other nominations the proposal was agreed by general assent.


RESOLVED that Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst be appointed as Leader of the Council for the 2024/25 municipal year.



Councillor Sara Bedford left the room at 19:43


Appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Members pdf icon PDF 174 KB

The Leader to advise the Council in relation to:


a)    The appointment of the Deputy Leader

b)    The appointment of Lead Members and their portfolio areas


Council considered proposed appointments to the positions of Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Members.


Councillor Stephen Cox moved an amendment to the proposal, that all the tabled names for the positions of Lead Members were to be accepted with the exception of the nomination of Councillor Sara Bedford and that the Majority Group be asked to submit an alternative nomination for the position of Lead Member for Housing and Public Health.  The amendment was seconded by Councillor Chris Mitchell and duly debated.


Before the start of the debate, Councillor Keith Martin informed Council that he had an ongoing conduct complaint against Councillor Sara Bedford and as a consequence it would be inappropriate for him to participate in the debate and he left the room for the duration.


In moving his amendment Councillor Stephen Cox expressed the view that the decision was not a party political one and was a considered view based on history, precedence and facts including two complaints with the Group’s party head office about the behaviour of the member in question, complaints from officers about the member, the regular submission of questions to Full Council that were hostile in their nature towards the administration, inappropriate and hostile behaviour towards other councillors in public meetings and incidents of bullying behaviour towards other councillors, which the Liberal Democrat group had failed to condemn.  Concern was also expressed about the way that Councillor Bedford had claimed that she had chosen to resign as Leader of the Council when in reality she had lost a vote of no confidence and been forced to step down.  As a result of these concerns, it was considered unconscionable that someone of this character should be placed in a position of leadership within the council.


Speaking in support of the amendment Councillors Chris Mitchell, Narinder Sian, Ciaran Reed, Joan King and Ian Morris all expressed the view that the allegations covered a substantial period of time and that by supporting the nomination of Councillor Sara Bedford it would signal to officers and the public that the Council condoned bullying.


The debate having concluded the amendment was put to the vote and lost.  The voting was For the amendment 18, Against the amendment 19, abstaining none.


The amendment having fallen, the substantive motion was then debated.


In moving the substantive motion, Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst expressed his confidence in the abilities of all the nominated Lead Members to perform the allocated duties to the best of their abilities and that they would respect both offers and members.  Any Lead Member not doing so would be held to account.


Speaking against the motion Councillors Stephen Cox, Oliver Cooper, Chris Mitchell and Ciaran Reed all expressed the view that as they did not agree with the appointment of one proposed lead member then it would be inappropriate for them to vote for the proposed Lead Members as a block. 


The debate having concluded the substantive motion was put to the vote and carried.  The voting was For  ...  view the full minutes text for item CL7/23


Review of Political Proportionality and Establishment of Committees pdf icon PDF 287 KB

To appoint the committees of the Council for the ensuing year, to determine the number of Members on each committee and to review the political proportionality of the committees.

Additional documents:


The Council was required by law to allocate seats in proportion to the political composition of the Council, with the aggregate membership of all the committees also being proportionate. The Council received a report setting out a proposed scheme of proportionality.


It was moved by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford and




(i)               the committees as set out at Annex A of the agenda report be appointed with the committee sizes shown; and

(ii)              the scheme of proportionality as set out at Annex A of the agenda report be adopted for the ensuing municipal year.



Councillors Rue Grewal, Andrea Fraser and Reena Ranger left the meeting at 20:19

Councillor Narinder Sian left the meeting and then returned at 20:20


Appointment of Members to Committees pdf icon PDF 188 KB

In accordance with the allocation of seats, as determined at Item 8 above, and having regard to the nominations of the political groups (to be laid on the table), to appoint members to the following committees for the 2024/25 municipal year:


a)     Policy & Resources Committee

b)     General Public Services & Economic Development Committee

c)     Climate Change, Leisure & Community Committee

d)     Planning Committee

e)     Licensing Committee

f)       Regulatory Services Committee

g)     Audit Committee

h)     Council Tax Setting Committee



Council considered proposed nominations to the standing committees of the Council.  It was also proposed that the General Public Services and Economic Development Committee and the Climate Change, Leisure and Community Committee be renamed to General Public Services, Community Safety and Infrastructure Committee and the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee respectively so that they better reflected the subjects covered by each committee’s terms of reference.


It was moved by the Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford, and




 i.            The General Public Services and Economic Development Committee and the Climate Change, Leisure and Community Committee be renamed as the General Public Services, Community Safety and Infrastructure Committee and the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee respectively; and

ii.            the membership of the standing committees of the Council for 2024/25 be as follows:


Policy and Resources Committee

Councillors Matthew Bedford, Sara Bedford, Oliver Cooper, Stephen Cox, Andrea Fraser, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Philip Hearn, Chris Lloyd, Chris Mitchell, Sarah Nelmes, Louise Price, Reena Ranger, Andrew Scarth and Jon Tankard.


Planning Committee

Councillors Matthew Bedford, Sara Bedford, Harry Davies, Elinor Gazzard, Philip Hearn, Stephen King, Chris Lloyd, Chris Mitchell, Debbie Morris, David Raw, Chris Whately-Smith


Named substitutes

Councillors Christopher Alley, Stephen Cox, Andrea Fraser, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Khalid Hussain, Raj Khiroya, Abbas Merali, Sarah Nelmes, Louise Price and Narinder Sian. 


Licensing Committee

Councillors Stepen Cox, Harry Davies, Andrea Fraser, Rue Grewal, Tony Humphrey, Raj Khiroya, David Major, Sarah Nelmes, Ciaran Reed, Andrew Scarth and Narinder Sian.


Regulatory Committee

Councillors Stepen Cox, Harry Davies, Andrea Fraser, Rue Grewal, Tony Humphrey, Raj Khiroya, David Major, Sarah Nelmes, Ciaran Reed, Andrew Scarth and Narinder Sian.


General Public Services, Community Safety and Infrastructure Committee

Councillors Christopher Alley, Oliver Cooper, Steve Drury, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Lisa Hudson, Joan King, Sarah Nelmes, Louise Price, Kevin Raeburn, Andrew Scarth and Narinder Sian.


Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee

Councillors Sara Bedford, Andrea Fraser, Stephen King, Chris Lloyd, Jon Tankard, Reena Ranger, Ciaran Reed, Tom Smith, Jonathan Solomons, Cheryl Stungo and Anne Winter.


Audit Committee

Councillors Rue Grewal, Lisa Hudson, Tony Humphreys, Khalid Hussain, Raj Khiroya, Keith Martin, Ian Morris, Ciaran Reed, Tom Smith and Jonathan Solomons


Council Tax Setting Committee

Councillors Matthew Bedford, Oliver Cooper, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Philip Hearn and one further Liberal Democrat nominee to be advised if required.




Appointment of the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Committees of the Council pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To appoint Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen to the Committees established at Item 8 above. Nominations to these positions will be laid on the table.


Council considered proposed nominations to the positions of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the committees and sub-committees of the Council.


It was noted that the General Public Services, Community Safety and Infrastructure Committee and the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee would each be co-chaired by their three respective Lead Members.


RESOLVED that councillors be appointed to the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair of the committees of the Council as set out below:


Policy & Resources Committee

Chair - Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst

Vice-chair - Councillor Matthew Bedford


General Public Services, Community Safety & Infrastructure Committee

To be co-chaired by the three respective lead members


Climate Change, Leisure & Housing Committee

To be co-chaired by the three respective lead members


Planning Committee

Chair - Councillor Chris Whatley-Smith

Vice-chair - Councillor Sara Bedford


Licensing Committee

Chair - Councillor Harry Davies

Vice-chair - Councillor Tony Humphreys


Regulatory Services Committee

Chair - Councillor Harry Davies

Vice-chair - Councillor Tony Humphreys


Audit Committee

Chair - Councillor Tony Humphreys

Vice-chair - Councillor Tom Smith


Constitution Sub-Committee

Chair - Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst

Vice chair - Councillor Matthew Bedford


Equalities Sub-Committee

Chair - Councillor Anne Winter

Vice-chair - Councillor Kevin Raeburn


Local Plan Sub-Committee

Chair - Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst

Vice chair - Councillor Louise Price


Shareholder and Commercial Ventures Scrutiny Panel

Chair - Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst

Vice-chair - Councillor Matthew Bedford




Appointment of Working Groups and Other Bodies of the Council and the Membership for 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 185 KB

For the 2024/25 municipal year, to appoint the following Sub Committees of the Council and to appoint the membership thereof having regard to the nominations of the political groups, as laid on the table:


a)     Constitution Sub Committee

b)     Equalities Sub Committee

c)     Local Plan Sub Committee

d)     Appointments Committee

e)     Appeals Committee

f)       Investigatory & Disciplinary Committee



Council considered proposed appointments to the Sub-Committees of the Council and other Council bodies for the ensuing municipal year.




 i.            that appointments be made to the Sub Committees and other Bodies of the Council as set out below:


Constitution Sub-Committee

Councillors Matthew Bedford, Sara Bedford, Oliver Cooper, Stephen Cox, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Chris Lloyd, Debbie Morris,  Louise Price and Narinder Sian


Equalities Sub-Committee

Councillors Stephen Cox,  Lisa Hudson, Khalid Hussain, Raj Khiroya, Abbas Merali,  Kevin Raeburn, Tom Smith, Cheryl Stungo and Anne Winter


Local Plan Sub-Committee

Councillors Christopher Alley, Matthew Bedford, Oliver Cooper, Stephen Cox, Steve Drury, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Philip Hearn, Chris Mitchell, Sarah Nelmes, Louise Price and Andrew Scarth.


Shareholder and Commercial Venture Scrutiny Panel

Councillors Matthew Bedford, Sara Bedford, Stephen Cox, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Philip Hearn, Abbas Merali, Chris Mitchell, Sarah Nelmes and Louise Price.


Three Rivers Community Safety Partnership Board

Councillor Andrew Scarth


Three Rivers Local Strategic Partnership

Councillors Stephen Giles-Medhurst and Andrew Scarth.  Substitute Councillor Sarah Nelmes.


Community Safety Board (Police and Crime Commissioner Board)

Councillor Andrew Scarth


Environmental Forum

Councillors Raj Khiroya, Stephen King, Chris Lloyd, Louise Price, Kevin Raeburn, Cheryl Stungo and Jon Tankard.


Chair – Councillor Jon Tankard

Vice-chair – Councillor Chris Lloyd


Seniors’ Forum

Councillor Keith Martin


Youth Council

Councillors Ciaran Reed, Narinder Sian and Jonathan Solomons


ii.            Appointments to the following bodies would be made on an ‘as-required’ basis:

§  Standards Regime

§  Appointments Committee

§  Appeals Committee

§  Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee

§  Internal Complaints Panel

§  Staff Employer Forum



Councillors Andrea Fraser and Reena Ranger returned at 20:25


Appointment of the Chairs and Vice Chairs for each of the Local Area Forums pdf icon PDF 178 KB


Council considered the proposed appointments to the positions of Chair and Vice-chair of the Local Area Forums for the ensuing municipal year.


It was proposed that the Local Area Forums’ Terms of Reference were revised so that forums were to meet no more than four times a year on dates agreed by the Chair and Vice-chair and with the consent of the majority of members in that area.  In addition the positions of Chairs and Vice-chairs were to be shared across the political groups.  It was noted that these changes would need to be ratified by the Full Council at their next meeting.




         i.          the following appointments be made to the Chair and Vice Chair positions on the Local Area Forums





Abbots Langley

Councillor Sara Bedford

Councillor Elinor Gazzard

Chorleywood and Sarratt

Councillor Harry Davies

Councillor Ciaran Reed

Croxley Green

Councillor Steve Drury

Councillor Chris Mitchell


Councillor Sarah Nelmes

Councillor Debbie Morris

Watford Rural

Councillor Ian Morris

Councillor Andrew Scarth


        ii.          The proposed changes to the Forums’ terms of reference would be brought to the next meeting of Full Council for consideration.





Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 185 KB

To appoint Council representatives to outside bodies.


Council considered a report setting out its proposed appointments to Outside Bodies for the 2024/25 municipal year.


It was noted that representation on the Moor Park Mansion Heritage Foundation Trust to be increased from 3 to 4 with one representative from each group to be appointed and one representative from each group would be appointed to the South Oxhey Community Board.


RESOLVED that the Council appoints representatives to outside bodies as set out below:


East of England Local Government Association

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst


Chilterns Conservation Board

Councillor Louise Price


Denham Aerodrome Consultative Committee

Councillor Raj Khiroya


Herts Waste Partnership

Councillor Sarah Nelmes

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst (Substitute)


LGA General Assembly

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst

Councillor Matthew Bedford (Substitute)


Hertfordshire Building Preservation Trust

Councillor Elinor Gazzard


Herts County Council Health Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Tony Humphreys

Substitute vacancy


Three Rivers Museum Trust

Councillor Keith Martin


Moor Park Mansion Heritage Foundation Trust

Councillor Stephen King

Councillor Reena Ranger

Councillor Narinder Sian

Councillor Andrew Scarth


New Agreement Traffic Management Act 2004 Adjudication Joint Committee

Councillor Sarah Nelmes

Substitute vacancy


Abbots Langley Community Centre Management Committee

Councillor David Major


Hertfordshire Police and Crime Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Andrew Scarth

Substitute vacancy


Hertfordshire Armed Forces Covenant

Councillor Sarah Nelmes


Herts Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership

Councillor Jon Tankard

Councillor Chris Mitchell


Herts Growth Board

Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst

Councillor Matthew Bedford (Substitute)


South West Herts Strategic Planning Members Group

Councillor Stephen Giles Medhurst

Councillor Louise Price (Substitute)


Watford and Three Rivers Trust

Councillor Sara Bedford (Observer)


South Oxhey Community Board

Councillor Rue Grewal

Councillor Joan King

Councillor Andrew Scarth




Appointment of an Independent Person pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To consider the appointment of an additional member to the Council’s pool of Independent Persons.


Council considered a report setting out a proposal to appoint a third person to the Council’s pool of Independent Persons.  The recommendation to appoint Mrs Lucy Richards to the pool of Independent Persons was proposed by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford, and carried by general assent.


RESOLVED that pursuant to the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 Mrs Lucy Richards is appointed to the position of Independent Person for a four year period ending 31 May 2028.



Councillor Anne Winter left the meeting at 20:40

Councillor Anne Winter returned at 20:42


Summary of District Election Results pdf icon PDF 21 KB

To note the results of the recent District Council elections.


Council received and noted a summary of the election results following the District Elections on 2 May 2024.