Agenda item

Appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Members

The Leader to advise the Council in relation to:


a)    The appointment of the Deputy Leader

b)    The appointment of Lead Members and their portfolio areas


Council considered proposed appointments to the positions of Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Members.


Councillor Stephen Cox moved an amendment to the proposal, that all the tabled names for the positions of Lead Members were to be accepted with the exception of the nomination of Councillor Sara Bedford and that the Majority Group be asked to submit an alternative nomination for the position of Lead Member for Housing and Public Health.  The amendment was seconded by Councillor Chris Mitchell and duly debated.


Before the start of the debate, Councillor Keith Martin informed Council that he had an ongoing conduct complaint against Councillor Sara Bedford and as a consequence it would be inappropriate for him to participate in the debate and he left the room for the duration.


In moving his amendment Councillor Stephen Cox expressed the view that the decision was not a party political one and was a considered view based on history, precedence and facts including two complaints with the Group’s party head office about the behaviour of the member in question, complaints from officers about the member, the regular submission of questions to Full Council that were hostile in their nature towards the administration, inappropriate and hostile behaviour towards other councillors in public meetings and incidents of bullying behaviour towards other councillors, which the Liberal Democrat group had failed to condemn.  Concern was also expressed about the way that Councillor Bedford had claimed that she had chosen to resign as Leader of the Council when in reality she had lost a vote of no confidence and been forced to step down.  As a result of these concerns, it was considered unconscionable that someone of this character should be placed in a position of leadership within the council.


Speaking in support of the amendment Councillors Chris Mitchell, Narinder Sian, Ciaran Reed, Joan King and Ian Morris all expressed the view that the allegations covered a substantial period of time and that by supporting the nomination of Councillor Sara Bedford it would signal to officers and the public that the Council condoned bullying.


The debate having concluded the amendment was put to the vote and lost.  The voting was For the amendment 18, Against the amendment 19, abstaining none.


The amendment having fallen, the substantive motion was then debated.


In moving the substantive motion, Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst expressed his confidence in the abilities of all the nominated Lead Members to perform the allocated duties to the best of their abilities and that they would respect both offers and members.  Any Lead Member not doing so would be held to account.


Speaking against the motion Councillors Stephen Cox, Oliver Cooper, Chris Mitchell and Ciaran Reed all expressed the view that as they did not agree with the appointment of one proposed lead member then it would be inappropriate for them to vote for the proposed Lead Members as a block. 


The debate having concluded the substantive motion was put to the vote and carried.  The voting was For the proposed appointments 20, Against the proposed appointments 18, Abstaining none.




       i.          Councillor Matthew Bedford be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the 2024/25 municipal year.

      ii.          The following be appointed as Lead Members for the 2024/25 municipal year:

·        Councillor Matthew Bedford, Lead Member Resources

·        Councillor Louise Price, Lead Member for Infrastructure and Economic Development

·        Councillor Sarah Nelmes, Lead Member General Public Services

·        Councillor Sara Bedford, Lead Member Housing and Public Health

·        Councillor Chris Lloyd, Leda Member Leisure

·        Councillor Andrew Scarth, Lead Member Community Safety and Partnerships

·        Councillor Jon Tankard, Lead Member Sustainability and Climate Change



Councillor Rue Grewal arrived at 19:45

Councillor Keith Martin left the meeting at 19:51

Councillor Sara Bedford returned to the meeting at 20:09

Councillor Reena Ranger left the meeting at 20:11

Councillor Andrew Scarth left the meeting at 20:13

Councillor Keith Martin returned to the meeting at 20:15

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