Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Virtual meeting
Contact: Committee Team
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from: Michael Hyde (Friends of Chorleywood Common), Cllr Valarie Coltman (Warford Rural Parish Council), David Montague (Rickmansworth Waterways Trust), Tony Booker (Colne CAN), Cllr Flora Garvey (Sarratt Parish Council). |
NOTES (a) To receive the Notes of the Meeting of the Environmental Forum held on Wednesday 20 March 2024.
(b) Matters arising (if not covered elsewhere on the agenda). Minutes: Minutes agreed.
Matters arising:
None. |
A TALK BY JESS HODGES ON NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND BIODIVERSITY It is a particularly exciting time to be talking about biodiversity in the district as plenty is happening. Jess Hodges, Natural Infrastructure Programme Manager at Three Rivers District Council will be talking through some interesting ecological survey results from Rickmansworth Aquadrome.
Minutes: Please find slides from Jess’s presentation attached below.
Cllr Reena Ranger: Asks the presentation is shared with Ward Cllrs.
Is there a plan to improve the habitats?
Jess – the Aquadrome plan does plan for some habitat improvement. We need to balance recreation and wildlife needs. The river in particularly is of interest as a globally rare habitat. Quick wins include increasing deadwood. Action has already started. Badgers have been sported on site too.
Angela Killick:
Did you say there were otters there? We have no evidence they are there, however local Anglers have said they have seen them.
Cllr Cheryl Stungo: The research wasn’t looking for them as this is not a favourable habitat for them, however they are likely to be in other habitats locally.
Cllr Jon Tankard: What is a wet Woodland?
A Pipistrelle Bat eats an average of 3000 mosquitos per night. |
A TALK BY SARAH BURGESS FROM GUCE Energy in Three Rivers – saving you money and developing local energy solutions
An outline of how community energy can benefit residents with money saving projects as well as future options for local energy generation. Stakeholders’ views and suggestions are welcome as we look at how we can protect local people from future energy price fluctuations and provide affordable, clean, and reliable energy to the community.
Minutes: Please find slides from Sarah’s presentation attached below.
Sarah encourages people to come along to upcoming events to hear more about solar canopy carparks:
Emma Dickins: What does decarbonising cover? Decarbonising – how do you cut fossil fuels from your energy supply? Things like swapping gas pumps to heat pumps, switching to electric car, or putting solar panels on your roof. |
MEMBERS' INFORMATION EXCHANGE News, Issues and Environmental Progress Reports. Minutes: Roger Bangs: In 2023 the Green Space action plan was consulted on and indicated there would be feedback on this but hasn’t seen any. What is the status and is it publicly available.
There are concerns about what happened at Rickmansworth end of Ebury Way, improvements need to be made.
Access to the Aquadrome: Very pleased to see access has been improved where the bridge has been replaced. There are other pedestrian access points which need improving including from Uxbridge Road and the Sustrans route onto the canal path.
Joanna Hewitson. We will get a written response for you following the meeting. Erosion has been a significant issue at the Aquadrome and there will be works on it included in the Aquadrome management plan.
What’s the current status of the LCWIP (Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan)?
The draft LCWIP went to public consultation in summer 2023 and a significant number of responses were received and have been reviewed by our partner Hertfordshire County Council. An update report on the consultation response was taken to committee in October 24 and we are now in the process of revising the document. The LCWIP was presented at a recent public meeting: (Agenda item 10)
Officers will review the comments on the Rickmansworth end of the Ebury Way as part of our cycling/walking programme. Officers will review the comments on footpath 65 as part of our cycling/walking programme. Officers expect the Hertfordshire County Council Ebury Way Greenspace Action Plan to have a Public Consultation in early 2025. The new pedestrian bridge is 3m wide. This is a great improvement on the existing 1.5m bridge. Sustrans/DfT have not been able to contribute to the huge expense of the bridge and it therefore does not need to comply with the LTN1/20 guidelines, however we are mindful of making significant improvements for all our visitors and we are hope that this new widened bridge will provide a far safer area than the former bridge. Officers are not aware of plans to improve the path on Sustrans route 6 along the towpath up to Frogmoor Lane. Officers will review the comments as part of our cycling/walking programme.
Cllr Tankard: ColneCAN is looking for volunteers to help with River mapping of pollution outfalls. Please visit the web site at , but most of all please volunteer by contacting Elaine Brindley, who can provide training, probably best if its organised in Groups to relieve the workload on Elaine.
Next Tuesday there is a FREE screening of 6 Inches of Soil followed by a panel discussion, we encourage you all to come along and share the event with your networks.
There has been a recent update on the Climate Emergency and Sustainability Action Plan and the report can be viewed here:
ANY OTHER BUSINESS (to alert the Chairman in advance of the meeting please) Questions, including those to the guest speaker, to be submitted in advance where possible to
If any Member wishes to speak at the meeting, please advise the Committee team on or the Chairman in advance of the meeting. Minutes: None. |
SPEAKERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS Minutes: Air quality has been requested a number of times and will look to get a talk on this for March next year.
What pollutants are ending up in our rivers? In particular from car tyres. |
NEXT MEETING Wednesday, 19 March 2025 Minutes: The Forum noted that the date of the next meeting is Wednesday 19th March 2025.
Cllr Tankard thanked everyone for attending the meeting. |
Associated documents/links related to meeting and action points: |