Agenda and minutes

Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions

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No. Item




Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Sara Bedford, David Coltman, Rue Grewal, Ian Morris and David Raw.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 646 KB

To confirm as a correct record of the minutes of the Full Council meeting, held on 11 July 2023 to be signed by the Chair.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings of Full Council held on the 11th July 2023 be approved as being a correct record and are signed by the Chair.




The Chair invited the Group Leaders to say a few words in respect of the recent atrocities which had occurred in Israel.  The Council expressed their condolences to all those affected by the events and a minutes silence was held.







None received.


No petitions had been received.



Question 1 from the Public, Chorleywood Residents’ Association


5a)       With regard to the upcoming Regulation 18 Consultation on the new Local Plan, whilst the Joint Residents Association supports the approach to site selection agreed by the Local Plan Sub-Committee on the 24th August, to make sure that the consultation is successful we believe it is essential that;


·         information on the consultation and how residents can respond be provided to all residents through delivery of leaflets to homes or similar means either before the commencement of the consultation or during the early days of the consultation, and

·         information on the updated new Local Plan policies is made available to consultees so that respondents to the consultation can understand how those policies will influence what will be delivered on the sites selected, e.g. housing mix, scale and infrastructure. We feel that this may mean that residents raise less issues that are already covered by the policies.


In light of this, can the Council confirm there will be a communication to all residents as described above and that the policies will be available to residents in a form that is easy to navigate and understand?”


Written response:


Thank you for the question, as I confirmed at Policy & Resources the Council is preparing an information leaflet to be delivered to every house in the district outlining the latest consultation and providing links to how to respond.  Assuming full council agrees the consultation, the leaflet will be printed, and we hope that distribution will start by the 23rd or earlier. The consultation will go live from the 27th for 6 plus weeks and the delivery is expected to take some two weeks weather permitting. The consultation documents will also be made available to all the Parish's for their use and for the public, if they need to look at hard copies, in the libraries.  It has not been possible to include the new updated policies as have not been agreed by Policy & Resources Committee and Council and as such are not available to be published as part of this consultation. Had we done so this would have delayed this consultation for some months due to the work involved. These will form a part of the next consultation the Regulation 19 however, following helpful suggestions we are providing a link policy by policy subject on the council web site directing people to the reports and minutes of the Local Plan Sub-Committee so they can see how we are proposing to amend, update the polices and the evidence that is required.



Question 2 from the Public, Resident in South Oxhey


5b)       With reference to the Council agreeing the Council Tax Base 2023/2024 on 13th December 2022, and the Council Tax - District Element paper dated 21st February 2023, members appear to have failed to notice, and acknowledge item 8.2 which states two conditions for when a referendum is required. Further reference can be found at the Government Policy Paper - Local Government Finance Policy  ...  view the full agenda text for item 45.


The three questions received from the public, under Procedure Rule 15 in the Constitution, and the answers provided were noted.



6a)       Budget monitoring report




To Council:


1.     That the revenue budget virements as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.


2.     That the revenue budget supplementary estimates as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.


3.     That the revenue variances to be managed as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be noted.


4.     That the capital variances as set out in appendices 1 to 3 be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.



6b)       Calendar of meetings




The Committee are asked to recommend to Council:


1.    That the attached draft Calendar of Meetings for 2025/26 be agreed with Members able to comment on the dates before ratification by Council on 17 October 2023.


2.    That the proposed changes in the scheduling of the meetings as detailed in Paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 or the report be agreed for recommendation to Council on 17 October 2023.



6c)       Local Plan Regulation 18 Part 4 Consultation




·     That Full Council approves the Local Plan Regulation 18: Part Four: Three Rivers’ Preferred Local Plan Lower Housing Growth Option – Protecting More Green Belt Land document as set out in Appendix 1 for public consultation in accordance with the regulations and the Local Development Scheme.

·     That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning Policy & Conservation in consultation with the Lead Member for the Local Plan to make any minor changes that are required before the documents are published for consultation.



Agenda for Policy and Resources Committee on Monday, 11th September, 2023, 7.30 pm - Modern Council (


Agenda for Policy and Resources Committee on Thursday, 5th October, 2023, 7.30 pm - Modern Council (

Additional documents:


Council considered recommendations arising from resolutions made by the Policy and Resources Committee at its meetings on 11th September 2023 and 5th October 2023.


a)     Budget Monitoring Report


Council was informed that a review of the Council’s budgets at the end of the first quarter had concluded that the approved budget of £13.754million, would be insufficient to cover the Council’s projected costs to the end of the 2023/24 financial year.   The shortfall was attributed to a number of factors including inflationary pressures, the pay award and the cost of recycling materials.  To ensure the continued delivery of uninterrupted services it was proposed that a portion of the Council’s reserves were used to close the budget gap.


It was moved by Councillor Keith Martin, seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes, that:


        i.           That the revenue budget virements, as set out in appendices 1 to 3, be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.

      ii.           That the revenue budget supplementary estimates, as set out in appendices 1 to 3, approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.

     iii.           That the revenue variances to be managed, as set out in appendices 1 to 3, be noted.

     iv.           That the capital variances as set out in appendices 1 to 3, be approved and incorporated into the three-year medium-term financial plan.


On being put to Council the recommendations were CARRIED, the voting being For 26, Against 0 and Abstaining 8.


RESOLVED that the budgetary changes be approved.


b)     Calendar of Meetings


It was clarified that the Local Area Forums were intended to be a mix of face to face, virtual and hybrid meetings dependant on the facilities available in each area. The final decision on the type of meeting would lie with ward councillors.


It was moved by Councillor Sarah Nelmes, seconded by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhust, that:


         i.          The draft calendar of meetings for 2025/26 be ratified.

        ii.          The proposed changes to the schedule of meetings as set out in Paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of the report be approved.

On being put to Council the recommendations were CARRIED unanimously.


RESOLVED the Calendar of Meetings for 2025/26 be approved.


c)     Local Plan Regulation 18 Part 4 Consultation


Following concern about the Council’s ability to secure infrastructure provision for particular areas it was proposed by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, that Appendix 1 of the Plan be amended to include wording that required the infrastructure requirements detailed for Maple Cross and Shepherds Lane to be secured through a legal agreement.  The proposed amendment was seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford, put to the vote and carried unanimously.


It was noted that Green Belt constraints would make it difficult to meet Government housing targets for the area.  Consequently, it was proposed that the Local Plan would be an evidence based Local Plan based on a low growth Green Belt constraints.


It was moved by Councillor Chris Mitchell that the Red Cross Centre in Croxley Green be removed from the List of Preferred Sites in the Regulation 18  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.



To note that Councillor Louise Price will replace Councillor Phil Williams on the Local Plan Sub-Committee.


Full Council noted that Councillor Louise Price would replace Councillor Phil Williams on the Local Plan Sub Committee.



8a) Question to the Leader of the Council, Councillor Sarah Nelmes from Councillor Keith Martin

During July's Full Council, a member of the Liberal Democrat Administration held up a Conservative Party leaflet, recently delivered to residents in Mill End and Maple Cross. Full Council was told that the leaflet contained misleading information about a local planning matter. This was not challenged by that group during Full Council. Three Rivers Officers deemed this matter sufficiently serious to write to a member of the local Conservative Party, stating that the misleading information should be withdrawn, and that no such repetition - misleading residents - should occur. The Conservative Party has made no such withdrawal or correction. Are the actions of the local Conservative Group, firstly in misleading the public and then doing nothing to correct the record, acceptable?


Written response:


Delivering misleading information to residents can neither be justified or excused. The same goes for taking no action to inform every household that received the newsletter, that they had been misled. What is appalling is that the author of these publications has not even bothered to reply to senior council officers and as recently as the 2nd October issued further misleading inaccurate and untruthful leaflets.



8b) Question to the Leader of the Council, Councillor Sarah Nelmes from Councillor Ciaran Reed


Despite being the ward member for Chorleywood North & Sarratt and being instrumental in the process to obtain new Community Infrastructure Levy funding for the King George V Playground in Sarratt, I was not allowed to contribute to the Three Rivers District Council press release. When I asked officers about not including my comments, I was told that Three Rivers District Council’s communications were decided by the Leader of the Council, in consultation with officers. I was also told that there was no clear policy on when ward members are or are not included in press releases. Will Three Rivers District Council look at producing such a policy and providing a clear set of criteria, rather than just the whims of the political Leader of the Council, to ensure that Council communications are not an arm of the Lib Dem campaign?


Written response:


Council Policy, in common with most Councils, state that press releases contain quotes from either the Lead Member, the Council Leader, or both. Other figures - including representatives of partner organisations - may also be included in draft releases when considered appropriate by communications officers, with the agreement of the Lead Member and Leader. Exception to this approach is made during the pre-election period, when no reference is made to individual politicians or groups in press releases. During this period senior officers are featured.


I would also point out that the Lead Member for Infrastructure was instrumental in ensuring that the monies were allocated for this site and ensuring that the monies were released for work to start this Summer rather than to wait for this Council meeting.


8c) Question to the Leader of the Council, Councillor Sarah Nelmes  ...  view the full agenda text for item 48.


Full Council noted the responses provided to questions received by the Leader, Lead Members, Chairs of Committee and reports from the Chairs of Committees.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Ciaran Reed, Councillor Sarah Nelmes, confirmed that it was standard Council practice for any press releases to be fronted by the appropriate Lead Member.  Notwithstanding this, the contribution made by Councillor Reed towards securing Community Infrastructure Levy funding to improve the King George V Playground in Sarratt was acknowledged.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Reena Ranger, Councillor Sarah Nelmes clarified that the decision to install static cameras in the Council Chamber rather than tracking cameras had been primarily influenced by cost.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Narinder Sian, Councillor Paul Rainbow, confirmed that it was expected that the final report on the outcomes of the consultation in respect of the 2020 changes to parking in Croxley Green would be shared with ward councillors imminently.  The delays I completing this work were attributed to a combination of resource constraints and a need to comply with Pre-Election Period constraints.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Chris Mitchell, Councillor Paul Rainbow, confirmed that the imposition of the advertised changes to the short term parking provision in the vicinity of Frankland Road and Watford Road were expected imminently.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Chris Mitchell, Councillor Paul Rainbow confirmed that the installation of additional electric vehicle charging points across the district would be dependent on the infrastructure provision required.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Narinder Sian, Councillor Paul Rainbow confirmed that there was evidence to support the demand for the Beryl Bike scheme in the District and Beryl Bikes were looking to expand their Watford Scheme into Three rivers.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Philip Hearn, Councillor Paul Rainbow confirmed that responsibility for writing to those residents impacted by Highways Order changes lay with Hertfordshire County Council in their capacity as the Highways Authority.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Philip Hearn, Councillor Paul Rainbow clarified that work on the development of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan was being led by Hertfordshire County Council in their capacity as the Highways Authority.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Reena Ranger, Councillor Paul Rainbow stressed that educating drivers about the impacts of idling car engines was a more effective long term solution than fines.  The use of Civic Enforcement Officers to fine drivers would have resource implications.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Debbie Morris, Councillor Paul Rainbow clarified that any highways safety works were the responsibility of Hertfordshire County Council in their capacity as the Highways Authority.


In response to a Supplementary Question from Councillor Andrea Fraser, Councillor Paul Rainbow acknowledged the popularity of the Aquadrome and the difficulties of parking following periods of heavy rain.  It was currently free to park at the Aquadrome and the only  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.