Agenda item
Question 1 from the Public, Chorleywood Residents’ Association
5a) With regard to the upcoming Regulation 18 Consultation on the new Local Plan, whilst the Joint Residents Association supports the approach to site selection agreed by the Local Plan Sub-Committee on the 24th August, to make sure that the consultation is successful we believe it is essential that;
· information on the consultation and how residents can respond be provided to all residents through delivery of leaflets to homes or similar means either before the commencement of the consultation or during the early days of the consultation, and
· information on the updated new Local Plan policies is made available to consultees so that respondents to the consultation can understand how those policies will influence what will be delivered on the sites selected, e.g. housing mix, scale and infrastructure. We feel that this may mean that residents raise less issues that are already covered by the policies.
In light of this, can the Council confirm there will be a communication to all residents as described above and that the policies will be available to residents in a form that is easy to navigate and understand?”
Written response:
Thank you for the question, as I confirmed at Policy & Resources the Council is preparing an information leaflet to be delivered to every house in the district outlining the latest consultation and providing links to how to respond. Assuming full council agrees the consultation, the leaflet will be printed, and we hope that distribution will start by the 23rd or earlier. The consultation will go live from the 27th for 6 plus weeks and the delivery is expected to take some two weeks weather permitting. The consultation documents will also be made available to all the Parish's for their use and for the public, if they need to look at hard copies, in the libraries. It has not been possible to include the new updated policies as have not been agreed by Policy & Resources Committee and Council and as such are not available to be published as part of this consultation. Had we done so this would have delayed this consultation for some months due to the work involved. These will form a part of the next consultation the Regulation 19 however, following helpful suggestions we are providing a link policy by policy subject on the council web site directing people to the reports and minutes of the Local Plan Sub-Committee so they can see how we are proposing to amend, update the polices and the evidence that is required.
Question 2 from the Public, Resident in South Oxhey
5b) With reference to the Council agreeing the Council Tax Base 2023/2024 on 13th December 2022, and the Council Tax - District Element paper dated 21st February 2023, members appear to have failed to notice, and acknowledge item 8.2 which states two conditions for when a referendum is required. Further reference can be found at the Government Policy Paper - Local Government Finance Policy Statement 2023-24 to 2024-25.
The Council paper on 21st February 2023 said a referendum would be required if either;
· 3%; or more than 3% above its 2022/23 level; and
· more than £5.00 above its 2022/23 level
The average increase in the district for 2023/24 for a Band D property is £5.65 (2.99%). Therefore, there is no need for a referendum on the 2023/24 district element of the council tax charge as this is below 3%.
The Leader of the Council sent a Council Tax insert letter to residents saying the rise was £6.94!
However, the Council may believe it would need to exceed both referendum thresholds for the public to then be entitled to a referendum, but the Government Finance Policy Statement 2023-2024 to 2024-25 states : "A bespoke Council Tax referendum principle of up to 3% or £5, whichever is higher, for shire districts."
If the average increase for a Band D property is noted to be £5.65 and being more than the £5 threshold and the Council acknowledges it has failed in its legal obligation to hold a referendum, will the Council adjust the 2023/24 Council Tax back to the 2022/23 amount to correct the unlawful increase and refund residents the extra money they have paid?
Written response:
For 2023/24, District Councils were permitted to raise Council tax by the higher of up to 3% or £5.00 without a referendum. For Three Rivers, the higher increase was generated by using the percentage increase of 2.99%, giving an average band D Council tax increase of £5.65. As this is below 3% this increase is lawful without the need for a referendum.
Question 3 from the Public, Shikha Chadha Bhatia
5c) A survey has been conducted by the BCC in its 2 wards that of Rickmansworth Town and Moor Park and Eastbury. Is a TRDC Committee going to audit the results so that the same can be verified, especially since the outcome decides whether or not the mortgage for the BCC community hall can be applied for to the Secretary of State? Who will be the members of such an audit committee?”
Written response:
TRDC are not involved in the BCC consultation. BCC is a separate organisation to TRDC and has its own elected members and constitution and as such any questions on the consultation should be directed to them.
The three questions received from the public, under Procedure Rule 15 in the Constitution, and the answers provided were noted.