Agenda and minutes
Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions
Contact: Committee Team
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence and to note the attendance of any substitute members. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Stephen King. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS PDF 396 KB To confirm as being a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 14th September 2023 and 19th October 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that: i. the minutes of the meetings of the Planning Committee held on 14th September 2023 be approved as being a correct record and signed by the Chairman. ii. approval of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 19th October 2023 would be deferred to ensure that they complied with the agreed Minute Writing Standards.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest.
Minutes: Councillor Philip Hearn declared a pecuniary interest in Item 5: Planning Application 22/1764/FUL World of Water, Hempstead Road, Watford and left the meeting during consideration of the item. |
NOTICE OF OTHER BUSINESS Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chair to rule on the admission of such items. Minutes: There were no items of other business. |
22/1764/FUL: World Of Water, Hempstead Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD4 8QG PDF 4 MB Demolition of existing building and erection of retail food store, (Use Class E(a)), with associated access, parking and amenities.
Reccomendation: That subject to the recommendation of no objection / approval from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement in respect of a monitoring and evaluation fee covering a 5 year period relating to the travel plan, that permission be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions and any additional conditions as requested by the LLFA. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for the erection of a retail food store (Class E(a)) with associated access, parking and amenities following the demolition of the existing building. The application had been called in by three members of the Committee due to concern over the impact that the development might have on traffic and highway safety.
The Committee was informed of the following updates. 4 further comments had been received since the publication of the report, 3 comments had been submitted by previous objectors, the fourth was an additional objection. Comments received were covered within the report with the exception of concerns over:
· Increased parking on the slip road · Questions the accuracy of the average speed review in the amended transport report. (75m to the south of the access junction
The proposed building would be set 750mm lower into the ground than the existing building and therefore the eaves would only be approximately 0.4m higher than the existing building, the report currently says 1.2m higher. In terms of the ridge height, the new building would be 1.2m lower, not 0.4m lower as stated in the report.
A contribution of £16.800 pounds had also been agreed by the applicant to assist in the delivery of the A411 Hempstead Road and Grand Union Canal Corridor Cycleway Improvements, as identified within the adopted SW Herts Growth and Transport Plan and to be consistent with the emerging Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for TRDC. The amount was calculated using HCC toolkit £422 per job x 40).
As a result of the additional contribution, the officer recommendation had been amended to:
That subject to the recommendation of no objection / approval from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement in respect of a monitoring and evaluation fee of £6k covering a 5 year period relating to the travel plan and a contribution of £16.8k highway/cycleway/sustainable transport improvements, that permission be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions and any additional conditions as requested by the LLFA.
Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) also provided an update.
The Applicant spoke in support of the proposals. Representatives of Abbots Langley Parish Council and District Councillors spoke against the application citing concerns about the weight of traffic that the site would generate in an area that was in close proximity to the M25, heavily used A Roads and a busy roundabout and the implications for the safety of the junction even once improvements were made. It was also felt that insufficient consideration had been given to the ability of pedestrians and cyclists to access the site safely, the impacts that the increased car park foot print would have on the adjacent River Gade and the safety of the proposed toucan crossing across a four lane road in close proximity to a major roundabout.
The Committee was informed that the proposed development had been reviewed by Hertfordshire County Council in its capacity of the Highways Authority with ... view the full minutes text for item PC18/23 |
23/0483/FUL: Croxley House, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 3JB PDF 964 KB Change of use of existing building from care home (C2) use to a nursery (Class E) including partial demolition of existing single storey rear extension and construction of two storey front extension; provision of spiral stairs, ramp access, green roof, rooflights and vents; repairs to boundary wall with associated parking and landscaping works; and widening of existing access track, internal alterations and alterations to fenestration.
Recommendation: That subject to the recommendation of approval/no objection from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the completion of a S106 Agreement (securing a monitoring fee), that the application be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions as set out in the report and any conditions requested by the LLFA. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for the Change of Use of the existing building from a care home (Class C) to a nursery (Class E) including partial demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and construction of a two storey front extension; provision of spiral stairs, ramp access, green roof, rooflights and vents; repairs to the boundary wall with associated parking and landscaping works as well as widening of the existing access track, internal alterations and alterations to fenestrations. The application had been called in by three members of the Planning Committee due to concern about the site access across the Green.
The Officer provided an update and advised that the number of letters received in support of the application should be updated from 106 to 121. In addition a further condition should be added requiring full details of the car park to be submitted. The condition was suggested as follows:
Prior to the construction of the car parking areas, full details of the surfacing material, the marking of bays and the boundaries to the car parking areas shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: To protect the rural character of the Green Belt, the setting of the Grade II Listed Building and to ensure appropriate drainage provision in accordance with Policies CP11 and CP12 of the Core Strategy and Policies DM2, DM3 and DM8 of the Development Management Policies LDD.
The Applicant spoke in support of the application. A representative of Croxley Green Parish Council expressed the view that whilst the Parish Council was supportive of the proposed change of use, which would bring a vacant historic building back into use thus enhancing the village, there was concern about the impact that the development would have on the access route across the Green and whether there was sufficient parking provision on site.
The Committee was informed that an additional condition had been added to the proposed application requiring full details of car parking provision, including details of surface materials, boundary treatments and marking of bays to be submitted before development commenced.
Concerns about the impact that the increase in traffic would have on the access road across the Green both during construction work and once the nursery was operational were noted. It was confirmed that a Construction Management Plan would have to be submitted by the applicant before work commenced and Condition 3 would require the access route to be widened before work commenced. An assessment of the safety of the junction of the access road and the main road by Hertfordshire County Council had concluded that visibility lines were acceptable and that no additional work to the junction was considered necessary.
It was questioned whether the development had sufficient parking provision to accommodate the number of parents that would be expected to use the proposed nursery and concern was expressed about the impact that this might have on the surrounding common ... view the full minutes text for item PC19/23 |
23/0484/LBC: Croxley House, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, Herfordshire, WD3 3JB. Listed Building Consent application for change of use of existing building from care home (C2) use to a nursery (Class E) including partial demolition of existing single storey rear extension and construction of two storey front extension; provision of spiral stairs, ramp access, green roof, rooflights and vents; repairs to boundary wall with associated parking and landscaping works; widening of existing access track, internal alterations and alterations to fenestration at
Note: The report for this application is combined with the report for Planning Application Number 23/0483/FUL at Item 6 above.
Recommendation: That Listed Building Consent is granted subject to conditions. Minutes: The application was for Listed Building Consent for the change of use of the existing building from a care home (Class C) to a nursery (Class E) including partial demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and construction of a two storey front extension; provision of spiral stairs, ramp access, green roof, rooflights and vents; repairs to the boundary wall with associated parking and landscaping works as well as widening of the existing access track, internal alterations and alterations to fenestrations.
The Officer recommendation to grant Listed Building Consent, subject to the conditions set out in the report, was proposed by Councillor Chris Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Steve Drury, put to the vote and carried unanimously.
RESOLVED that Planning Application 23/0484/LBC be granted subject to the conditions in the report. |
23/1182/RSP: 17 Winchester Way, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 3QE PDF 575 KB A retrospective planning application for a loft conversion including hip to gable roof extension with rear dormer window and front rooflights.
Recommendation: That Retrospective Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for retrospective approval of a loft conversion including hip to gable roof extension with rear dormer window and front roof lights. The application had been called in by Croxley Green Parish Council who had cited concerns about the overbearing and adverse visual effect that the extension had on the character area.
The Applicant spoke in support of the application and a representative from the Parish Council spoke against the application.
The Committee was informed that planning permission would not ordinarily be required for a loft conversion and extension of this type with work taking place under Permitted Development Rights. However, the finish of the extension and the materiality of the rear dormer windows, did not match the materials used in the original roof and thus a breach of development order had occurred and retrospective planning permission was required.
It was confirmed that if planning permission was not granted then the only enforceable action that could be taken in the circumstances was to require the retiling of the dormer window and replacement of the cladding.
The Officer recommendation to grant retrospective planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report, was proposed by Councillor Chris Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Debbie Morris, put to the vote and carried.
The voting in respect of the recommendations was For 9, Against 0, Abstain 1.
RESOLVED that planning application 23/1182/RSP be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report. |
A Part Retrospective Planning Application for change of use of land as an amendment to the residential curtilage, associated landscaping changes including formal garden areas, hard standing for vehicular access and parking and installation of entrance gate and pillars.
Recommendation: That Planning Permission be granted. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for part retrospective planning application for change of use of land as an amendment to the residential curtilage, associated landscaping changes including formal garden areas, hard standing for vehicular access and parking and installation of entrance gates and pillars. The application had been called in by three members of the Planning Committee due to concerns relating to the urbanising impact on the Green Belt and the wider rural character of the area.
The Committee was informed that Condition 6 (Removal of certain permitted development rights) had been updated to take effect immediately following the granting of planning permission.
The Applicant’s agent spoke in support of the application and a representative from the Parish council spoke against the application.
It was noted that at 2.1metres high the brick pillars on the gates were only 0.1metres higher than what would otherwise be granted under Permitted Development rights.
The Officer recommendation to grant the planning application, subject to the conditions set out in the report, was proposed by Councillor Debbie Morris, seconded by Councillor Chris Lloyd, put to the vote and carried.
The voting in respect of the recommendation was: For 9, Against 1, Abstain 0.
RESOLVED that Planning Application 23/1221//RSP be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report with amendments to Condition 6 to now read as follows:
From the date of this planning permission, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no development in Class E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 and Class A of Part 2 of Schedule 2 to that Order shall be carried out on the site without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.
23/1569/FUL: Garages Adjacent to 13 To 23, Pollards, Maple Cross, Hertfordshire PDF 852 KB An application for the demolition of existing garages and erection of 3 storey (plus roof accommodation) block comprising eight 2 bed apartments with associated bin and bike storage, parking and landscaping works.
Recommendation: That planning permission be granted subject to conditions. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for the demolition of the existing garages and erection of a 3 storey (plus roof accommodation) block comprising of eight 2 bed apartments with associated bin and bike storage, parking and landscaping works. The application had been referred to the Committee because the applicant was a joint venture company with Three Rivers District Council and the application was on Three Rivers District Council owned land.
It was confirmed that consultation letters had been sent to all neighbouring properties setting out details of the proposed development and site notices were displayed in accordance with standard planning regulations. It was clarified that if the development was to proceed then the site would be removed from the Local Plan’s Preferred Options but the number of dwellings built would be included in the District’s overall housing allocation number.
The Officer recommendation to grant the planning application, subject to the conditions in the report was proposed by Councillor Matthew Bedford, seconded by Councillor Philip Hearne, put to the vote and carried.
The voting in respect of the recommendation was as follows: For 9, Against 0, Abstain 1.
RESOLVED that Planning Application 23/1569/FUL be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.
23/1570/FUL: Garages Rear Of 22 To 32, Pollards, Maple Cross, Hertfordshire PDF 846 KB An application for the demolition of existing garages and erection of two 4 bed houses with associated bin and bike storage, parking and landscaping works.
Recommendation: That planning permission be approved subject to conditions. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for the erection of two 4bed houses with associated bin and bike storage, parking and landscaping works following demolition of the existing garages. The application had been referred to the Committee because the applicant was a joint venture company with Three Rivers District Council and the application was on Three Rivers District Council owned land.
The Officer recommendation to grant the application, subject to the conditions in the report, was proposed by Councillor Debbie Morris, seconded by Councillor Ruth Clark, put to the vote and carried.
The voting in respect of the recommendation was: For 9, Against 0, Abstain 1.
RESOLVED that planning application 23/1570/FUL be approved subject to the conditions in the report. |
23/1619/FUL: Garages Between 83 and 89 The Queens Drive PDF 851 KB Demolition of existing garages and construction of two storey block comprising of 6no. 2 bed 4 person flats with associated bin and bike storage, access, parking and landscaping works.
Recommendation: That Planning Permission be Granted. Additional documents: Minutes: The application was for the construction of a two storey block comprising of six 2bed 4 person flats with associated bin and bike storage, access, parking and landscaping works following the demolition of the existing garages. The application had been referred to the Committee because the applicant was a joint venture company with Three Rivers District Council and the application was on Three Rivers District Council owned land.
The Committee was informed that National Highways had confirmed that they had no objections to the proposed development and required no additional conditions to be imposed on the development.
Concern about the impact that the bin storage area might have on neighbouring properties was noted. It was clarified that the plans had been reviewed by Environmental Protection to ensure that the bin store was situated appropriately for ease of waste collection and that conditions had been incorporated into the planning application to ensure that the storage area was enclosed and maintained.
It was felt that the design of the building would be sufficient to ameliorate concerns about potential overlooking of neighbouring properties.
The Officer recommendation to approve the application, subject to the conditions in the report, was proposed by Councillor Ruth Clark, seconded by Councillor Matthew Bedford, put to the vote and carried.
The vote in respect of the recommendation was as follows: For 8, Against 0, Abstain 2.
RESOLVED that Planning Application 23/1619/FUL be approved subject to the conditions in the report. |