Agenda item

23/0483/FUL: Croxley House, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 3JB

Change of use of existing building from care home (C2) use to a nursery (Class E) including partial demolition of existing single storey rear extension and construction of two storey front extension; provision of spiral stairs, ramp access, green roof, rooflights and vents; repairs to boundary wall with associated parking and landscaping works; and widening of existing access track, internal alterations and alterations to fenestration.


Recommendation: That subject to the recommendation of approval/no objection from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the completion of a S106 Agreement (securing a monitoring fee), that the application be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions as set out in the report and any conditions requested by the LLFA.


The application was for the Change of Use of the existing building from a care home (Class C) to a nursery (Class E) including partial demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and construction of a two storey front extension; provision of spiral stairs, ramp access, green roof, rooflights and vents; repairs to the boundary wall with associated parking and landscaping works as well as widening of the existing access track, internal alterations and alterations to fenestrations.  The application had been called in by three members of the Planning Committee due to concern about the site access across the Green.


The Officer provided an update and advised that the number of letters received in support of the application should be updated from 106 to 121. In addition a further condition should be added requiring full details of the car park to be submitted. The condition was suggested as follows:


Prior to the construction of the car parking areas, full details of the surfacing material, the marking of bays and the boundaries to the car parking areas shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To protect the rural character of the Green Belt, the setting of the Grade II Listed Building and to ensure appropriate drainage provision in accordance with Policies CP11 and CP12 of the Core Strategy and Policies DM2,  DM3 and DM8 of the Development Management Policies LDD.


The Applicant spoke in support of the application.  A representative of Croxley Green Parish Council expressed the view that whilst the Parish Council was supportive of the proposed change of use, which would bring a vacant historic building back into use thus enhancing the village, there was concern about the impact that the development would have on the access route across the Green and whether there was sufficient parking provision on site.


The Committee was informed that an additional condition had been added to the proposed application requiring full details of car parking provision, including details of surface materials, boundary treatments and marking of bays to be submitted before development commenced.


Concerns about the impact that the increase in traffic would have on the access road across the Green both during construction work and once the nursery was operational were noted.  It was confirmed that a Construction Management Plan would have to be submitted by the applicant before work commenced and Condition 3 would require the access route to be widened before work commenced.  An assessment of the safety of the junction of the access road and the main road by Hertfordshire County Council had concluded that visibility lines were acceptable and that no additional work to the junction was considered necessary. 


It was questioned whether the development had sufficient parking provision to accommodate the number of parents that would be expected to use the proposed nursery and concern was expressed about the impact that this might have on the surrounding common land. The potential for parking on Little Green Lane was noted and it was agreed that this was something that could be conditioned as part of a Comprehensive Car Parking Management Plan. It was agreed that a condition would be added requiring the submission of a Car Parking Management Plan before development commenced.


The proximity of Killingdown Farm and the informal track running past the development site was noted.  It was confirmed that no works were proposed outside the site at this location and any pedestrian access would be gated.


The Committee  noted that residents had raised some concerns regarding the impact on the sewerage network and whilst they noted this was not a planning concern, they requested that an informative be included.


The Committee noted the Conservation Officer’s objections to the proposals.


It was clarified that as a Listed Building the property would not benefit from school exemption provisions and thus there were no Permitted Development Rights attached to the building.


It was agreed that the following additions would be incorporated into any planning permission:


       i.          That a Car Parking Management Plan be submitted.

      ii.          Condition 5 the Construction Management Plan to include the tracking of vehicles and large lorries across the Green during construction.

     iii.          An additional condition requiring the use of car park surfacing materials to be in keeping with the historic setting, appropriate to the Green Belt and softened in appearance.

    iv.          An informative concerning the appropriate treatment of sewage outflow to be added.


The Officer recommendation that, subject to receipt of approval or no objections from the Lead Local Floor Authority and the completion of a S106 Agreement (securing a monitoring fee), that the application be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services to grant planning permission subject to the conditions set out in the Officer’s report as amended by the Committee and any conditions requested by the Lead Local Flood Authority was proposed by Councillor Chris Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Steve Drury, put to the vote and carried


The voting in favour of the recommendations was: For 9, Against 0, Abstain 1.


RESOLVED that approval, or otherwise, of Planning Application 23/0483/FUL be delegated to the Head of Regulatory Services.


Supporting documents: