Issue - meetings

24/1799/RSP - Part Retrospective: Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a replacement two-storey detached dwelling with roof accommodation served by roof lights; installation of solar panels and an air source heat pump. Landscaping

Meeting: 23/01/2025 - Planning Committee (Item 102)

102 24/1799/RSP - Part Retrospective: Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a replacement two-storey detached dwelling with roof accommodation served by roof lights; installation of solar panels and an air source heat pump. Landscaping alterations and rear patio; provision of hardstanding; retention of existing swimming pool; associated cycle and refuse storage at 24 LYNWOOD HEIGHTS, RICKMANSWORTH, HERTFORDSHIRE, WD3 4ED pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Part retrospective: demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a replacement two-storey detached dwelling with roof accommodation served by roof lights; installation of solar panels and an air source heat pump; landscaping alterations and rear patio; provision of hardstanding; retention of existing swimming pool; associated cycle and refuse storage at 24 Lynwood Heights, Rickmansworth.


Recommendation: that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The application was part retrospective for demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a replacement two-storey detached dwelling with roof accommodation served by roof lights; installation of solar panels and an air source heat pump; landscaping alterations and rear patio; provision of hardstanding; retention of existing swimming pool; associated cycle and refuse storage at 24 Lynwood Heights, Rickmansworth.


The Planning Officer reported that planning permission had been granted for extensions to the property under a previous application.  Due to the extent of demolition which had taken place, planning permission was now required for reconstruction along with the extensions.  The scheme now before the Committee contained some additions above the extent of the extensions previously approved.  These were set out in the officer report, but the Planning Officer summarised that they principally comprised a single storey rear extension which was larger in the current scheme than that previously approved, and an increase to the height of the dwelling of 0.6m.


The agent spoke in favour of the application.


Councillor Price left the meeting room.


Committee Members asked questions about the details of the application which were responded to by officers.  In response to a question the Planning Officer advised that the increased ridge height was comparable with neighbouring houses and would not represent a departure from the roof heights of surrounding properties in any significant way.


Councillor Morris moved and Councillor Whately-Smith seconded, that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.  On being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED: that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.