Issue - meetings
24/1316/FUL and 24/1317/LBC - Applications for planning permission and listed building consent for Demolition of part of existing boundary wall; construction of fencing and gate; extension of gravel drive at SOLESBRIDGE HOUSE, SOLESBRIDGE LANE, CHORL
Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 76)
Demolition of part of existing boundary wall; construction of fencing and gate; extension of gravel drive
Listed Building Consent: demolition of part of existing boundary wall; construction of fencing and gate; extension of gravel drive.
Recommendation 24/1316/FUL: That planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
Recommendation 24/1317/LBC: That listed building consent be granted
subject to conditions.
Additional documents:
The application was for planning permission and associated listed building consent for demolition of part of existing boundary wall; construction of fencing and gate and extension of gravel drive at Solesbridge House, Solesbridge Lane, Chorleywood.
The application was before the Committee as the agent for the application is a District Councillor.
The Planning Officer reported that Condition 5 of the planning permission was to be amended as follows:
‘Prior to the first use of the extended driveway hereby approved, the proposed timber vehicular and pedestrian gates hereby permitted shall be installed in accordance with the approved plans with the gates to facilitate vehicular access retained as inward opening at all times. The proposed pedestrian gate once erected shall not be materially enlarged to facilitate a vehicular access.’
The Planning Officer also informed the Committee that prior to the meeting the applicant had circulated a document to Members outlining their view of the acceptability of the proposal.
A Committee Member commented on the narrowness of Solesbridge Lane and the use of the space at the end of the driveway as a passing place. The Committee noted that the inward opening nature of the vehicular gate had been conditioned.
The Committee heard that the recommendations of the Conservation Officer had been addressed within conditions.
The Chair proposed, and Councillor Davies seconded, that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and on being put to the vote this was agreed unanimously.
The Chair proposed, and Councillor Davies seconded, that listed building consent be granted subject to conditions and on being put to the vote this was agreed unanimously.
(i) That planning permission be granted subject to conditions;
(ii) That listed building consent be granted subject to conditions.