Issue details

Three Rivers Biodiversity Policy & BNG Update

The purpose of this report is to outline the updated legislative duties of the Council under the Environment Act including: strengthened biodiversity duty and Biodiversity Net Gain.
The report recommends approval of the Three Rivers Biodiversity Policy, along with agreement on how and where to use the S106 Maple Lodge budget and an agreement in principle for Three Rivers to consider council land that could be a receptor site for off-site biodiversity net gains.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Anticipated restriction: Part i  -

Directorate: Associate Director Community and Customer;

Decision due: 10 Jun 2024 by Policy and Resources Committee

Lead member: Lead Member for Sustainability and Climate

Lead director: Associate Director of Customer and Community

Contact: Jess Hodges, Community Biodiversity Officer Email:

Agenda items


  • Three Rivers Biodiversity Policy & BNG Update