Agenda item

LOCAL PLAN: Updated Draft Policies for Regulation 19

This report seeks member agreement of the updates to the draft Local Plan policies from the Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 Part 1: Preferred Policy Options document. The policies were amended in response to changes to national planning policy, comments received as part of the Regulation 18 consultation and consideration at Local Plan Sub-Committee meetings in 2022 and 2023. The majority of these policies were then brought to Local Plan Sub-Committees throughout the summer of 2024. Further changes have been made to some of these policies following discussions at Local Plan Sub-Committees earlier this year. Additionally, this report seeks member agreement of a number of other policies that have not been brought to the 2024 round of Local Plan Sub-Committees.




That the Local Plan Sub-Committee note the contents of the report, and recommends to the Policy and Resources Committee the following policy updates:


·            Residential Design and Layout

·            Chiltern Beechwoods SAC

·            Heritage and Historic Environment

·            Advertisements

·            Deliveries, Servicing and Construction

·            Ground Conditions, Contamination and Pollution

·            Northwood Headquarters

·            Green Belt

·            Green Belt Appendix

·            Provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

·            Green and Blue Infrastructure

·            Housing Density

·            Trees, Woodlands, Hedgerows and Landscaping

·            Broadband and Electronic Communications

·            Sustainable Transport and Travel

·            Open Space, Play Space and Recreation

·            Retail and Leisure

·            Affordable Housing

·            First Homes

·            Employment and Economic Development

·            Biodiversity

·            Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Development

·            Vision for Three Rivers and Strategic Objectives

·            Overarching Policy on Sustainable Development

Supporting documents: