Agenda item

The Bury Grounds Biodiversity Project


Jess Hodges, Natural Infrastructure Programme Manager, presented the report, which provided an overview and context for the proposed Bury Grounds project which included: river restoration, access improvements, habitat enhancements and the protection of heritage on the site.


The Lead Member for Sustainability and Climate Change fully supported the scheme and explained to the Committee that the project aimed to open dark, dense areas and create more biodiversity. The path would be upgraded to make it a good space in and out of the town centre and would give residents access to open quiet space. It would add social value as well as biodiversity.


A Member asked why the intention was to bid for Batchworth Community Council (BCC) CIL funding when it was Three Rivers land and Three Rivers had its own CIL pot.

Charlotte Gomes, Head of Leisure and Natural Infrastructure, explained that officers were originally approached by a BCC Councillor about The Bury. They had identified a funding pot that could be applied for and the Natural Infrastructure Programme Manager applied to the Landfill Community Fund, managed by Groundworks. BCC continued to be involved as part of this work and during this time, BCC identified that they were able to contribute by using their Parish CIL funding. An application was submitted through BCC and they earmarked £27,000 which had now been through their Council process.


A Member commented that it would be helpful to have a menu for each pot of funding and what it related to.


Members asked about the history of the land and how it came into disrepair. Officers explained that it was originally part of the manor house and was handed over to the Council in the 1990’s. Historic mapping showed that the area was once grazed. Natural succession had taken over to natural woodland and monoculture.


A Member enquired about the involvement of the Environment Agency (EA) and whether Hertfordshire County Council (HCC), the local lead flood authority, would be involved. Officers explained that the river was classed as ‘main river channel’ and EA was the responsible body. The main concern of EA is to make sure that the work did not impact the flood risk. The Council may need to consult with HCC due to the proximity of the highway.


A Member asked when the original money from the Colne Valley Trust was applied for and would it have been possible to have applied for more money had the work been completed sooner?

Officers explained that it was not applied for from Colne Valley Trust but rather Groundwork South. It was applied for on 10 October 2023. Following acceptance, the project was given 18 months to spend the grant. The work was seasonal, with Autumn/Winter being the most responsible time to do it, so it had to be done in the Autumn of 2024. Therefore, it would not have been possible to apply for further funding and as it turned out, the project received much larger funding than originally applied for.


A District Councillor informed the Committee that there was a formal sunken garden within the area. Officers were unaware of this and asked for further information.


A Member asked if a baseline survey was being carried out. Officers explained that they would be using the Hertfordshire Biodiversity Baseline Study.


Officers commented that when volunteering opportunities became available, they would be shared on social media platforms via Communications Team and the project had the support of HCC Countryside Management Service Volunteer Scheme.


A Member enquired as to whether the pathway would be accessible for the disabled

and was informed by officers that the pathway would be made as accessible as possible. At present it was a muddy bog and had a very steep area. It was definitely something that was being looked at. 


The Committee Members thanked officers for all their work.


Councillor Tankard proposed to move the recommendation and Councillor Nelmes seconded the proposal.


RESOLVED: that the Climate Change, Leisure and Housing Committee:


Agree to progress the implementation of the fully funded parts of the project as outlined at point 2.7.1 - 2.7.6 (River Improvements) and 2.7.7 - 2.7.9 (Habitat Enhancements) and to progress those identified at points 2.7.10 - 2.7.12 (Access improvements) and 2.7.13 - 2.7.14 (protecting the heritage) subject to securing external funding.