Agenda item

Community Safety Annual Report 2023-2024

The report sets out the agreed priorities for 2003-24, achievements and future priorities.




       i.          That members of the Committee consider and comment on the Community Safety Annual report.


      ii.          That public access to the report be immediate


     iii.          That public access to the decision be immediate



Michelle Wright, Community Safety and Safeguarding Manager, presented the report and highlighted the agreed priorities for last year and the current year.


Members highlighted paragraph 2.7.1 of the report regarding the Herts Mind Network Community Support Service and asked if any steps had been taken regarding this service.

Officers explained that there had been problems with staff leaving and recruitment, as many were on short-term contracts, which caused fluctuations in the service. With more funding, staff numbers have increased and were very committed. It was anticipated that staff would not be an issue this year.


A Member highlighted paragraph 2.73 of the report concerning the joint initiative between the Council and Housing Associations around fly tipping and raised concerns about many instances of fly tipping around Leavesden and the safety issues this posed for young children playing. Officers agreed that it would be good to have conversations about this with the Housing Associations involved if Members passed on specific details.

Officers highlighted the problems of hoarding and mental health issues and the work taking place regarding this. Officers were trying to look at these problems in different ways to solve them with the skip day being a great initiative around the hoarding issues.


Members raised concerns about the online watch link (OWL). Once signed up to the new service, there had been problems with accessing the site.

Officers explained to the Committee that they had received emails from the public who had been unable to sign up. These had been sent to the Police and contacts in Herts Connected. Once feedback had been received, it would be fed back to Members.


A Member highlighted Priority 4 – Motor Vehicle Crime, and the risks of theft caused by contactless keys. Officers explained that there were ongoing police operations taking place in regard to that risk and remains one of Three Rivers CSP priorities. Members discussed the use of faraday pouches to mitigate the risks and the use of collective faraday pouches in communities to lower car insurance costs. The Chair suggested sending out information on mitigating car theft risk through the Comms Team.


A Member asked what was being done regarding the problem of shoplifting. Officers explained that there were hotspots around the district that police and CSP were aware of. There was a dedicated police officer dealing with this and advice was provided to shopkeepers on how to reduce risks. This was also a Three Rivers CSP priority. Advice included keeping the shop front clear and transparent and putting higher value goods away from the door. Shops were encouraged to employ security guards and install more CCTV cameras. Local PCSO’s build up relationships with youths that hang around the shops.


A Member asked where Trading Standards or the Police had taken action against a license holder or future applicant, if this was taken into account in licensing decisions. The Chair commented that she would refer the question to the Licensing Committee for an answer to that query.


A Member asked how the Council supported the recruitment and training of Special Constables.

Officers informed the Committee that they would investigate if there was anything taking place and if any support was required. Officers explained that the Council provided funding for PCSO’s and worked closely with them on a number of joint initiatives to target ASB and crime.

A Member asked if there was a way to make it easier for local residents to request CCTV, as part of the strategy and informed officers that a local Councillor had requested application forms for residents but had not received any.

Officers apologised and explained that they had not been informed regarding the outstanding forms but would send them to the Councillors who requested them, along with instructions on how to put the application in.




       i.          That public access to the report be immediate.


      ii.           That public access to the decision be immediate


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