Agenda item

Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation

Batchworth Parish Council have formally submitted their draft Neighbourhood Plan to Three Rivers District Council. It is now a statutory requirement for Three Rivers to consult on the draft Neighbourhood Plan and this report seeks agreement from the Policy and Resources Committee to go out for consultation.




i.                 That the Policy & Resources Committee note the report and agree the Batchworth NDP for consultation; and

ii.                note that the Council will be reconsulting on the Sarratt Neighbourhood Plan.




Marko Kalik, Head of Planning Policy and Conservation, presented the report and explained that Batchworth Community Council had prepared a Neighbourhood Plan with assistance and guidance from officers at Three Rivers District Council (TRDC). The Plan had gone out for consultation with the local community and had now been submitted to TRDC for the next stage in the regulations; a statutory duty for TRDC to consult on the Regulation 16 under the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations. Officers were satisfied that the legal requirements had been met.

At the same time, TRDC was required to re-consult on the Sarratt Neighbourhood Plan.


Members commented that a lot of excellent work had been done by both the officers, Batchworth Community Council and Sarratt Parish Council.


A Member asked if any NPPF changes happening now, before the examination takes place, would have to be reflected in this Neighbourhood Plan.


The Head of Policy Planning and Conservation would investigate this and update Members.


After concerns raised by a Member about delays to the Batchwood Neighbourhood Plan being brought to the Policy and Resources Committee, the Head of Planning Policy and Conservation agreed to investigate the timeline.


The Chair proposed to move the officer’s recommendation and this was seconded by Councillor Scarth.


RESOLVED: that the Policy and Resources Committee AGREED to


       i.          note the report and agree the Batchworth NDP for consultation; and

     ii.          note that the Council will be reconsulting on the Sarratt Neighbourhood Plan.

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