Agenda item

Watford to Croxley Rail Link Presentation

Presentation by Kimberley Rowley.


Report to follow (see Supplementary Agenda No. 2).


Kimberley Rowley, Head of Regulatory Services introduced the presentation and explained the following key aspects of the project:


·         Background and objectives

·         Possible transport modes

·         Routeing proposal

·         Value for money

·         Related Hertfordshire Projects


The Officer advised the Committee that this was a very early, high level presentation at this stage.


Members of the Committee raised questions and concerns around:


·         How much consideration has been given to the links that could be built beyond Croxley Green if the original proposal had included Croxley tube station, with an existing railway track that could have been used to open up the link to Rickmansworth, Chorleywood and potentially beyond as well.

·         Is there any information on the estimated cost of this particular option?

·         Clarity around the higher and overall benefits as well as the objectives of the project

·         Time scale of the consultation process


Officers started looking beyond Croxley, into Rickmansworth, however, TFL advised that it is not going to be feasible on that line routeing. The other alternative was to keep the route on the road; from Ascot Road, up to Croxley and into Rickmansworth but the roads are not wide enough to provide any priority routing for this type of mass rapid transport system, which will result in significantly extended journey times and therefore will not be a desirable mode of transport to the public.


The studies so far have shown that the benefits are of the disused railway line with the fastest possible journey time; one of the biggest benefits is the reduced journey time into Watford from any of the identified locations. Furthermore, if the plans go ahead Croxley Green will likely become an interchange in future, and therefore the possible expansion of transport options beyond Croxley Green is considered to be part of the future plan.


The Chair pointed out that the aim of this project is not just to provide a seamless interchange onto the underground network but would also provide sustainable transport to the public that is environmentally friendly.


The Chair advised that estimated cost information is not available at this point in time, and no funding has been committed by Three Rivers at this stage.


In terms of the higher and overall benefits; the Officer explained that these benefits include:


·         Modal shift – encouraging people to use public transport instead of cars

·         Journey times – reduced journey times


The Officer reiterated that this is very early, high level information and further, more detailed information will become available at a later stage.


It was clarified by the Chair that the main objective of the scheme was outlined in paragraph 1.4 of the report.


In response to the information provided; Members of the Committee requested that the objectives of the scheme and the overall benefits will need to be made clearer for the benefit of the public, and a further update on the scheme to be provided to the Committee at the earliest possible opportunity.


The Officer advised that there is a communication strategy being prepared currently by Hertfordshire County Council and Watford Borough Council, involving all relevant stakeholders but no specific date has been given to Officers yet.


It was proposed that the Committee should be able to scrutinise and discuss the next report on the scheme before agreeing to adopt the communication strategy that is currently being prepared by Hertfordshire County Council and Watford Borough Council.


The Chair acknowledged the request but advised Three Rivers don’t control the communications strategy which is led by  Hertfordshire County Council and Watford Borough Council.




That the presentation be noted.


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