Agenda item


To consider a report of the Director of Finance recommending that Council approve the Fees and Charges set out in the schedule at -

1.     Appendix 1, to be effective from 1 January 2023; and

2.     Appendix 2 to be effective from 1 April 2023



The Committee considered a report by the Director of Finance setting out a Schedule of Proposed Fees and Charges effective from 1 January 2024, set out in Appendix 1 of the report; and a Schedule of Fees and Charges effective from 1 April 2024, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.


Alison Scott, Director of Finance, presented the report. In so doing, she made a number of amendments to the report that was before the Committee.


In the subsequent discussion, the following points were made.


a)    In response to increases by central government in statutory Planning fees, officers would review whether to introduce fees for submitting a Planning pre-application.

b)    Regarding the proposed 25% increase in some of the parking fees, it was noted that parking fees had not been increased since 2016 and that had fees been increased in line with inflation, the increase over the period would have been 28%.

c)    The Council’s Parking Reserve was governed by statutory provisions and was currently operating at a deficit. The proposed measures would go some way to balancing the Council’s Parking Reserve.

The Chair noted that, where there was a proposed increase in the cost of any service, an attempt had been made for the users of that service to meet the increased cost rather than spreading the cost across all service users.

An annual increase in parking fees in line with inflation would have been difficult and costly to administer. If agreed, the proposed parking fees would still be less than the fees charged by neighbouring boroughs for resident parking.

d)    Regarding Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) in relation to Fly Tipping and Domestic Duty of Care, it was proposed that these should be increased by 10% which would round up the numbers to administratively easy to manage numbers.

e)    Cycling and walking as alternative modes of transport was to be encouraged. However, for some residents, being able to use a car was vital and, therefore, the proposed increase in parking fees could be a lot of money for some people.

f)      Regarding nappy sacks, it was noted that the service included not only the provision of plastic sacks but the cost of residual bin collection charges.

g)    In response to the proposal that, given the small number of persons caught fly tipping, that there be a discount for early payment of a fine in respect of fly tipping, it was noted that, in line with a lot of FPNs, the early payment of fines significantly reduced administrative costs and avoided potentially protracted and costly enforcement action and court proceedings.

The Chair noted that, given the nature of the offence, it would be appropriate to give further consideration as to whether it was appropriate to offer a discount for early payment of a FPN for fly tipping.


In response to proposed amendments to the recommendations in respect of the percentage increase in FPNs for Fly Tipping and Domestic Duty of Care, and the proposed discount for early payment of a FPN in respect of fly tipping, it was AGREED that these be the subject of further discussion with a view to making amendments to the Council’s agreed budget, if necessary.


In response to a motion by Councillor XX, seconded by Councillor Drury, to approve the recommendations set out in the report, the Chair put the motion to a vote, the results of which were, as follows.


For the Motion:         7

Against:                    2

Abstentions:              0


RESOLVED: That the Committee recommend to Full Council that it approve the Fees and Charges set out in the Schedules at:


1.    Appendix 1 [of the report], to be effective from 1 January 2024; and

2.    Appendix 2 [of the report], to be effective from 1 April 2024.


FURTHER RESOLVED: To note that, under the Community Infrastructure Levy (CRL) Regulations 2019, the Council will be charging s. 106 monitoring fees from 1 January 2024, as follows –


1)    Affordable housing financial contribution with no review mechanism:                                                                  £280

2)    Affordable housing financial contribution with review mechanism:                                                                  £540

3)    Affordable housing on-site contribution with review mechanism
[0 to 25 dwellings]:                                                        £720

4)    Affordable housing on-site contribution with review mechanism

5)    [26+ dwellings]                                                              £820

6)    Amendment to TR 02 restrict ability to purchase parking permit:                                                                          £870

7)    Other non-financial obligations:                                     £350


Where there is more than one obligation, the highest fee to be paid in full with 50% of subsequent fees.



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