Agenda item


Watersmeet presentation


The Committee received a presentation by Ben Terry, Watersmeet General Manager, and Judy Simpson, Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) Marketing and Campaigns Manager. providing an overview of Watersmeet, the venue, it’s vision and mission; priorities and values; 2022/23 performance; its financial position; tenants and partners; community engagement; participation and accessibility; sustainability and environment; and looking ahead.


In response to questions raised by members of the committee, Mr Terry and Ms Simpson provided the following further information.


a)    The reason for the Council’s reduced expenditure of approximately £100,000 on Watersmeet, despite an increased turnover by Watersmeet of approximately £400,000, was because the venue’s net turnover included all income including income from private hires and shows that were co-promoted with the Council.

Of the shows that were co-promoted with the Council, the Council took between 20% and 30% of the price of the tickets sold. Therefore, for the Council to be £100,000 better off, the venue’s income had to be four or five times more than that. In commercial terms, this represented a profit ratio of approximately 1:5.

b)    All the space available to tenants at Watersmeet was utilised, including renting space for private hires which took place predominantly on Saturdays and Sundays; films included in the Watersmeet film programme were shown on Wednesdays; live events took place on Thursdays; and larger shows took place on Fridays. It was noted that it may be possible to increase the number of weekday bookings to include lunchtime meetings. However, the venue was now as busy as it had been since the height of the Covid pandemic.

c)    Regarding special expenses, it was noted that Watersmeet costs were split between special and general expenses based on the venue’s programme, including the use of the venue for private hires by predominantly local residents, which would be classed as a special expense, and, say, the Pantomime, which attracted theatregoers from the whole of the district and beyond, and was, therefore, “distributed” as a general expense.

d)    For the past five years, there had been a contract with Jordan Productions for the annual pantomime. Following a tender exercise, the present contract was with Paul Hogan.

e)    Regarding work experience provided by Watersmeet, it was reported that work experience was provided for anyone from 13 years of age to university students studying backstage theatre arts and/or scenic art. An effort was made to tailor work experience while providing experience of the work of the theatre, including front of house and technical work experience.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked the officers for their presentation and asked that they convey the appreciation of the Committee to the staff and volunteers at Watersmeet and to the “Friends of Watersmeet” and “Friends of Watersmeet Film Society”.


The Chair also noted that the refurbished accessible toilets would be appreciated by the theatregoing public, particularly as the pantomime was imminent.


It was noted that the Civic Night at the Pantomime would take place on Friday, 15 December after the 6:30 PM performance from about 9.00 PM.  in the Colne Room where there would be refreshments and the opportunity to meet members of the cast and to have photographs taken with them on the stage.


Tickets for the Pantomime could be purchased from the box office.




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