Agenda item

LOCAL PLAN – Moderate-High Harm and High Harm Strategic Green Belt Sites and Newly Submitted Sites

This report sets out the Regulation 18 strategic sites of circa 500 dwellings or more that fall into areas of moderate-high to high Green Belt harm and whether the benefits of these sites in terms of sustainability and infrastructure provision potentially outweigh the harm to the Green Belt of removing these sites for development, following the approach agreed at the 13 June 2023 Local Plan Sub-Committee.

The report also considers a strategic site that falls into low to moderate harm, one smaller low to moderate Green Belt harm site that required some additional work from officers as well as a C2 care home site that falls into moderate-high Green Belt harm.

At the 13 June 2023 Local Plan Sub-Committee it was agreed that no sites that fall within areas of very high Green Belt harm would be considered acceptable even if

A number of new sites were submitted as a result of the Regulation 18 Additional Sites for Potential Allocation consultation earlier this year and one site was submitted through the brownfield call for sites exercise. These sites have been assessed and are discussed later in the report.

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