Agenda item


Consultation on the first formal Regulation 18 stage of the South West Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) was undertaken in autumn 2022. This consultation sought feedback on a number of themes, a draft vision and objectives for the Plan, and a series of potential growth types that could be considered for the future.  Officers have now considered all of the responses received and prepared a draft consultation report.  This report provides a high level summary of the number and nature of these responses and seeks the endorsement of a series of changes to the draft vison and objectives to take account of feedback received.  It also seeks agreement to a number of changes to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report which was consulted on in parallel.




(1)     Note the feedback received on the SW Herts Joint Strategic Plan   Regulation 18 consultation (as summarised in Appendices 1 and 2);


(2)     Endorse the revised Vision and Objectives for the Plan, incorporating       changes recommended as a result of the consultation responses (see        Appendix 3);


(3)     Agree the recommended changes to the Sustainability Appraisal    Scoping Report (see Appendix 4); and


(4)     Delegate authority to the Head of Planning Policy and Conservation in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning Policy to finalise and publish:

(a)    a document setting out the revised Vision and Objectives; and

(b)    an updated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. 




The Chair welcomed Laura Wood, the Project Lead for the Southwest Herts Joint Strategic Plan to the meeting.


Consultation on the first formal Regulation 18 stage of the South-West Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) was undertaken in autumn 2022. This consultation sought feedback on a number of themes, a draft vision and objectives for the Plan, and a series of potential growth types that could be considered for the future. Officers have now considered all of the responses received and prepared a draft consultation report. This report provides a high-level summary of the number and nature of these responses and seeks the endorsement of a series of changes to the draft vison and objectives to take account of feedback received. It also seeks agreement to a number of changes to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report which was consulted on in parallel.


The Committee received a presentation on the South-West Herts Joint Strategic Plan.  At this time the Committee were only being asked to endorse the revised Vision and Objectives for the Plan incorporating changes recommended as a result of the consultation responses and not adopt at this stage.  There was no legal obligation in endorsing the revised Vision and Objectives.


Councillor Philip Hearn moved an amendment that the following point “encourage a radical shift away from car travel by providing accessible, efficient, safe and affordable alternatives” in the Vision and Objectives document be amended to read to “facilitate a choice of public transport, cycling, walking and motor vehicle.”


Councillor Oliver Cooper seconded the amendment and added, agreed by the proposer, “to increase choice of different forms of transport” so it was not being forced but encouraged.


Members noted that if any amendments to the Vision and Objectives document were agreed by the Committee the other Council’s in South-West Herts which had already endorsed the approach being presented to the Committee tonight would need to consider the revisions along with the Councils which would be considering them at their forthcoming meetings and would then need to come back to the Committee at a future meeting.


On being put to the Committee the amendment was declared LOST by the Chair the voting being 3 For, 9 Against and 1 Abstention.


On being put to the Committee the recommendations as set out in the report were declared CARRIED the voting being 10 For, 0 Against and 3 Abstentions.




(1)  Noted the feedback received on the SW Herts Joint Strategic Plan Regulation 18 consultation (as summarised in Appendices 1 and 2); (2)

(2)  Endorsed the revised Vision and Objectives for the Plan, incorporating changes recommended as a result of the consultation responses (see Appendix 3); (3)

(3)  Agreed the recommended changes to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (see Appendix 4); and

(4)  Delegated authority to the Head of Planning Policy and Conservation in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning Policy to finalise and publish: (a) a document setting out the revised Vision and Objectives; and (b) an updated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report.

Supporting documents: