Agenda item


The report seeks to allocate a total of £320,524 of CIL funding to local infrastructure projects to support growth in Three Rivers.  The application is for CIL funds towards the costs of replacing the bridge connecting Riverside Drive, Rickmansworth and the Aquadrome, Rickmansworth.



That Members approve CIL funding for the following schemes detailed in Table 1 of this report and summarised in the table below for 2023/2024:


Applicant & Project Name


Three Rivers District Council

Rickmansworth Aquadrome Pedestrian Bridge replacement


Replacement of existing pedestrian bridge from Riverside Drive





The report sought to allocate a total of £320,524 of CIL funding to local infrastructure projects to support growth in Three Rivers.  The application is for CIL funds towards the costs of replacing the bridge connecting Riverside Drive, Rickmansworth and the Aquadrome, Rickmansworth.


The Head of Regulatory Services reported that the report had been submitted following a review of the condition of the bridge which had concluded it would need to be replaced in the next 5 years.  An opportunity had become available to seek external funding towards the cost of that bridge (£1.3m being the cost) to the Department of Transport and can seek up to 75% of the funding and put in an application later this summer.  A planning application is due to be submitted for a replacement bridge as Sustran (Part of the Department of Transport) will not consider applications for funding unless the planning application had received permission.  Previously we had asked that the decision be delegated so that additional funds (10%-15%) can be considered for the project and would like to with this application to have that delegation in place and have that added so that the project does not get delayed. 


Members raised the following points:


How had it come about that we now needed to replace the bridge following the recent repairs and the cost implications.


There were no climate risks included particularly around flood.


Clarify the additional funds and contingencies and the delegation for this.


The bridge is very crucial and integral for the use of the Aquadrome.


When we review our Governance arrangements for CIL we look at the point systems and how many points each project is given.


It was advised there is no project overspend what was being asked for was contingency funding.


The Head of Regulatory Services advised that the project was being run by the property and leisure team and works had been undertaken recently but we need to have a longer term plan.  The team went out to consultants, through a full procurement exercise, to get a report underway. The planning application will have the level detail associated with having a replacement bridge.  The engineering consultants, who are independent of the Department of Transport, will provide feedback on taking this forward and had looked at a business plan on how you replace the bridge and what you need to do.  To get the funding it has been a certain width to accommodate active travel.  If we don’t get the funding agreed, we will need to consider if this is still the right bridge or can we narrow it although it would still be a significant cost.  The additional funding would depend on how much grant funding would be received, high inflation and having some contingency funding due to any work not taking place until next year.  The delegation was being provided to not delay the project.


Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst moved, seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes, with the amendment on the delegation and contingency funding of (10-15%) be included.  The bridge was in need of being replaced and we had the opportunity now to apply for the Department of Transport funding. 


Councillor Stephen Cox, duly seconded, proposed an amendment that the increase be up to 15%. The proposer accepted the amendment.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being unanimous.




Pedestrian Bridge, Aquadrome, Rickmansworth


The recommendation is that Members approve CIL funding for the following schemes detailed in Table 1 of this report and summarised in the table below for 2023/2024:


Applicant & Project Name


Three Rivers District Council

Rickmansworth Aquadrome Pedestrian Bridge replacement


Replacement of existing pedestrian bridge from Riverside Drive




Any request for additional monies for this specific project is delegated to the Director of Finance, in consultation with the Lead Members, to determine having regard to the economic context and timescales for implementation, and who would consider an increase of up to 15% of the total CIL monies agreed.


That regular reporting on the project be made.


Supporting documents: