Agenda item


To receive a report.


The Chair ruled that although the report of the sub-committee had been available 5 working days before the meeting the recommendations had not but the Chair had ruled that they were of sufficient urgency and would be taken as urgent in order that any recommendations made by the Committee could be presented to full Council after this meeting.


Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst proposed, duly seconded, some minor changes to Rule 6 which involved tidying up the order of business for full Council meetings, moving up the order of business the Chair’s announcements, public questions and petitions and providing the Chair with the ability to change the order of business.  Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst also moved an amendment to the recommendations, duly seconded, that point (m) be removed from the rule and that there be no reports received at the meetings from the Chairs of the Committees.


Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst proposed, duly seconded, that following discussion with the Leader and the other Group Leaders it was proposed that no recommendation be made to Council on any changes to Rule 14 – questions and that a further meeting of the Constitution sub-committee be organised followed by a special P&R Committee meeting and then a special Council meeting so that any changes could come into effect from the October Full Council meeting.  It was important that the rule was reviewed as the burden on officers to assist in providing responses to the questions had increased and it would also provide the opportunity to review what other authorities procedures were and find the best way forward. 


Both the other Group Leaders were in agreement with the proposal to have further discussion on the making of any amendments to Rule 14 – questions.


On being put the Committee the motions were both declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being unanimous.




That there be no recommendation on Rule 14 – questions but that a special Constitution sub-committee meeting be organised followed by a special P&R Committee meeting and Special Council meeting before the next Full Council meeting in October.




That Rule 6 – Order of business be amended as follows:


(a)     To choose a Member to preside if the Chair and Vice-Chair be absent.

(b)     Apologies for absence.

(c)     To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Council which shall then be signed by the Member presiding at the meeting.

(d)     Chair’s announcements.

(e)     Receive any petitions under procedure Rule 18.

(f)      Questions from the public under procedure rule 15

(g)     Business required by statute to be dealt with before any other business.

(h)     To deal with any other business specifically required by law.

(i)      Recommendations of the Policy & Resources Committee (including budget-setting recommendations).

(j)      To deal with any other recommendations.

(k)     To deal with any other business specified in the Summons.

(l)      To receive reports from the Leader and Lead Members.

(m)    To consider notices of motions (Rule 11).

(2)     The order of business under items (g) – (m) can be changed by the Chair or by a resolution passed on a motion (which need not be in writing) duly moved and seconded and put to vote without discussion. The Chair shall have the ability to move without discussion any items required to be considered under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 with the press and public excluded to any stage of the meeting after item (f) to ensure that such business is concluded before the close of the meeting.

(3)     If in accordance with Rule 1 the above business (a) to (k) and any items under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 are not concluded by the set time, that business shall be adjourned to a time fixed by the Chair at the time the meeting is adjourned, or, if they do not fix a time, to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.  Item (l) will be taken as read and added to the minutes but items (m and n) shall fall and not be considered.

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