Agenda item

21/1745/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 4no. detached two-storey dwellings with roof and basement level accommodation, detached garages, formation of new access drive, alterations to existing access, landscaping works and other ancillary works at GLENWOOD, CHORLEYWOOD ROAD, RICKMANSWORTH, WD3 4ER


                        The Planning Officer reported that on Page 5 of the report within the Highways Officers comments it stated that the nearest station was Chorleywood.  The site was positioned between Chorleywood and Rickmansworth stations but was closest to Rickmansworth station but this did not change the Highways assessment of the proposal.  Hertfordshire Ecology had provided comments. They do not object to the application but consider a preliminary bat roost assessment should be undertaken prior to determination.  The applicant had been advised of this and an assessment had now been undertaken and submitted to the Council today.  The survey had been forwarded to Herts Ecology for them to review.  As such it was recommended that the decision be delegated to the Director of Community and Environmental Services to grant planning permission subject to the preliminary bat assessment being accepted by Herts Ecology and subject to the conditions set out in the report and any other conditions as required by Herts Ecology.

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 35(b) a member of the public spoke against the application and a member of the public spoke in support of the application.


                        The Planning Officer noted the comments made by the speaker against the application but ultimately it is the application before Members tonight which had to be assessed with the access as proposed at this time.  As set out in the report the Highways Authority had considered the application and are satisfied that the proposal would not have a diverse impact on the safety or operation of the highway network and raised no objections subject to conditions.

                        Councillor Alex Hayward thought these would be significant sized houses looking at the square footage with basements and roofs etc. but asked if the parking would be adequate for them.

                        The Planning Officer said the parking policy would be complied with the.  The parking requirements were met and the amenity space provided was well in excess of standards for properties of this size.  Also as set out in the character section of the report we require a 1.5 metre spacing between properties but these dwellings would achieve a spacing of at least 5 metres between the adjoining flank walls.  It was acknowledged they are large detached properties but consider that they are in keeping with the character of the area and there would be very good spacing maintained around the properties and the standards are maintained for the properties on amenity and parking.

                        Councillor Alex Hayward wished to clarify details for the middle property which would not have a garage.

                        The Planning Officer advised that there was indicative cars shown on the plan and you could fit more cars on that driveway. It might not have a garage but would have sufficient space on the driveway for the two cars indicated but you could also fit two cars in front of those. 

                        Councillor David Raw was shocked that highways had not commented.  Chorleywood Road is a really busy road and could not believe they have not made any comments concerning traffic build up.

                        The Planning Officer advised that Highways had commented and these were set out in the report and they had raised no objection.  They may not have made specific comments on that point but if they felt there was issues or concerns they needed to raise they would have raised those.  They had raised an initial objection to the application due to the access but with the amended plans as submitted they confirmed that following those amendments they raise no objection. 

                        The Chair confirmed that the road was very busy with traffic.

                        Councillor Stephen King moved, seconded by Councillor Keith Martin that planning permission be delegated to the Director to grant planning permission subject to the preliminary bat assessment being accepted by Herts Ecology and subject to the conditions set out in the report and any other conditions as required by Herts Ecology and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer report

                        On being put to the Committee the motion was declared carried by the chair the voting being 8 For, 0 Against, 3 Abstentions.


That planning permission be delegated to the Director to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the preliminary bat assessment being accepted by Herts Ecology and subject to the conditions set out in the report and any other conditions as required by Herts Ecology and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer report


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