Agenda item


For the P&R Committee to consider the recommendations from the Constitution sub-committee at its meeting held on 6 January 2022 with regard to Rules 11, 14, 15, 18 and 37 of the Council Constitution.


To consider a proposed amendment to the Member Officer protocol.


To consider an amendment to the urgent decisions form made by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Group Leaders which are available to the Chief Executive under Paragraph 8 of Part 3 of the Council Constitution.


To consider requiring the Chief Executive to consult with the Group Leaders 24 hours before making any minor amendment to the Council Constitution and for Paragraph 8 of Part 3 of the Council Constitution to be updated accordingly.


For the P&R Committee to consider the recommendations from the Constitution sub-committee at its meeting held on 6 January 2022 with regard to Rules 11, 14, 15, 18 and 37 of the Council Constitution.


To consider a proposed amendment to the Member Officer protocol.


To consider an amendment to the urgent decisions form made by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Group Leaders which are available to the Chief Executive under Paragraph 8 of Part 3 of the Council Constitution.


To consider requiring the Chief Executive to consult with the Group Leaders 24 hours before making any minor amendment to the Council Constitution and for Paragraph 8 of the Scheme of Delegation to Officers in Part 3 of the Council Constitution to be updated accordingly.


Councillor Ciaran Reed thanked officers for the report which had been perfectly translated into the recommendations before the Committee tonight and thought all parties were happy with the outcome of the meeting and moved the recommendations set out in the report, seconded by Councillor Chris Lloyd.


A Member did not agree with all of the recommendations particularly with the arrangements for questions which reduced time available for large parts of the Council meeting and thought there ought to be some limits on questions to the Leader/Lead Members and did not understand why that had not been addressed. 


The Chair advised that the sub-committee did discuss that point at length and it was agreed that Members would be sensible and not to change the rule.


Members had taken the points on board and would be looking to reduce the number of written questions submitted and the number of supplementary questions asked.  It was not down to the Constitution what questions Members can or cannot ask it should be for Members to decide what they would like to ask.  There is a balancing act to make and understanding the consequences.


Officers would revisit the wording of Rule 11(5) on the referral of a motion to a Committee and provide any suggested amendments.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED the voting being 11 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstention.




Review of Rule 11 – Notices of Motions

1.         That there be no changes to Rule 11 on motions.


Rule 14 – Questions from Members to the Leader/Lead Members and Chairs of Committees

1.         That there be no changes to Rule 14


Rule 15 – Questions from the Public

1.         Members of the public questions to be submitted 8 working days prior to meeting;

2.         Written response to the public questions to be published in summons;

3.         A maximum of 5 questions to be allowed for each Full Council meeting (excluding Annual Council) and to be limited to one question per member of the public.


Rule 15 - Petitions

1.         Shorten the URL for e-petitions on the Council’s e-petition portal;

2.         Encourage e-petitions to be created via the Council’s e-petition portal;

3.         Any e-petition not submitted via the portal must contain sufficient information to allow officers to verify the identity and address of the person who has signed the form;

4.         To continue to allow paper petitions to be submitted but to provide a pro-forma to use with details of the information that the Council requires for the paper petition;

5.         That the signatures needed to bring forward a petition to remain at 25

6.         To review the e-petition guidance and come back to the sub-committee with a revised guidance at a future meeting.


Rule 37 – Application to Committees and Sub-Committees

1.         To add Rule 11 to the list of Rules under Rule 37.


Member/Officer Protocol

1.         That Member contact details be removed from all published press releases but retain the communications team contact details.


Urgent Decisions and Minor Amendments to the Council Constitution

1.         Group leaders to be informed 24 hours prior to any minor changes being made to the Council Constitution by the Chief Executive;

2.         That the urgent decision form with the Group Leaders be amended to include a section asking “Why is the urgent decision not able to go through the Committee process.”

3.         That Part 3, Section 8 be amended accordingly to read:

“Minor Changes to the Council Constitution - to be delegated to the Chief Executive to be advised to the Group Leaders 24 hours before the minor change is made.”

Supporting documents: