Agenda item


To receive the Corporate Framework and the following final service plans for recommendation to Council:





Corporate Services

Customer Service Centre

Revenue and Benefits

Property Services

Economic Development and Sustainability (only with regard to the Local Plan)



The Acting Head of Community Partnerships presented the Corporate Action Plan to the Committee.  It was noted that the Corporate Framework for 2020-2023 had been agreed in 2020 but this report was presented every year to agree the action plan and adopt the objectives for the year.  The action plan highlights the key actions and projects over the next year to be achieved and the overarching objectives which are included in service plans.  Two small changes were proposed to the objectives to take out third objective under Housing and Thriving communities as the project was completed and on the second page key action reordering request on the priorities.


The Committee noted that all the draft service plans had been presented at the December meeting and had just been updated with all the budget details after the Council meeting on 23/2. 


It was noted that Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst had left the meeting and was not able to vote on the recommendation.


The motion on being put to the Committee to approve the Corporate Framework action plan and the service plans with the amendments to the action plan was agreed by general assent by the Members in the virtual meeting room.




The Committee approves the current Corporate Framework Action Plan and objectives for the next two years with the amendments, attached as Appendix 1 and recommends to Council.


Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst re-joined the meeting.

Supporting documents: