Agenda item


The Government is undertaking a consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Model Design Guide. This is a technical consultation seeking views on:


           Proposed changes to the NPPF based on the recommendations of the Building Better Building Beautiful Commission

           Proposed changes to the NPPF to strengthen environmental policies, including those arising from the government’s review of flood risk with Defra

           Proposed minor changes to the NPPF to clarify policy in order to address legal issues

           Proposed changes to remove or amend out of date material

           A proposed update to reflect a recent change made in a Written Ministerial Statement about retaining and explaining statues

           Clarification on the use of Article 4 Directions

           The new National Model Design Code

This report provides a summary of the proposed changes and seeks Members’ views on the draft response set out in Appendix 1.


The Senior Planning Officer said the report provided a summary of the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Model Design Code with the Council’s proposed draft response. 


Following the Government’s Planning for the Future White Paper the Building Better Beautiful Commission was set up to champion beauty in the built environment.  The Commission made a number of recommendations that had resulted in the proposed amendments to the NPPF.  There was now more onus on good design and beauty. The National Planning Model Design Code was proposed to be used to guide decisions on planning applications until local codes can be prepared.  The expectation was that development that was not well designed should be refused and significant weight given to local design policies and Government guidance.  There was also more focus on the importance of infrastructure provision and increased support for encouraging walking and cycling and for any new streets to be tree lined. 


In addition to the response to the Building Better Buildings Beautiful Commission was the proposed changes to the NPPF and to consider statements of national policy in the plan making, such as written ministerial statements. There were also some clarifications in relation to Article 4 Directions and some amendments stressing the importance of access to high quality open spaces for health and wellbeing. 


There was also some changes to flood risk in response to the Governments joint review with DEFRA of planning policy for flood risk. This included clarification that the policy applies to all flood risk sources and not just fluvial flooding and that local plans should manage flood risk by using opportunities from new development to reduce the causes and impacts of flooding. 


In addition, there was amendments supporting the improvements of biodiversity in and around other developments if measurable net gains can be secured. This could potentially look beyond site boundaries to try and achieve a net gain in biodiversity.  The National Model Design Code would be a toolkit to provide guidance to help LAs in producing local design guides and set a baseline standard with an emphasis on the importance of identifying area type (character areas).  Appearance will become a key factor in what was considered good design.  The deadline for the consultation response was 27 March and Officers would be happy to receive any comments on the proposed draft response by close of business on Friday 19 March.


A Member asked if the good points raised within the consultation could be included in our local plan. The Senior Planning Officer advised that it would not be included into our local plan at this stage but potentially if the Government do update national policy following the consultation it may be possible at a later stage in the local plan process, for instance in the Regulation 19 consultation, to include these points.


The Lead Member for Infrastructure and Planning Policy had some minor points to make but would email them to the Senior Planning Officer.  The Councillor felt it was a good report and the responses were good.  On the questions where there was no comment it would be helpful to make some comment and would provide some words for consideration.


A Member referred to the comment that all new streets should be tree lined which was to be encouraged but advised this would require the footways to be of a sufficient width.  Also on the equality impact question, where there was no comments, we often get developments that come along where there was no drop crossings for people who might require to use them and the developer should make sure any development was accessible for everyone. The Senior Planning Officer agreed that details would be added to the consultation response. 


The motion on being put to the Committee was declared CARRIED by the Chair of the Committee the voting being by general assent.




1.         Noted the contents of this report and the Government’s consultation;

2.         Provided comments as detailed in the minute above to be included in the final response and that any further comments be sent to the Senior Planning Officer by 19 March 2021; and

3.         That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning Policy & Projects and the Director of Communities and Environmental Services in consultation with the Lead Member for the Local Plan to update the final response to the consultation.

Supporting documents: