Agenda item


This report enables the Committee to comment on its draft service plans.


This report enabled the Committee to comment on its draft service plans.


A Member wondered why the date for the Local Plan was due to be completed in the next 15 days.  Did the brownfield register get updated yearly and who does that.


In response to the question the Lead Member advised that the current timetable for the Local Plan would need updating and a new timetable would be issued in the new year. 


The Director of Community and Environmental Services advised that the Head of Planning Policy and Projects updates the brownfield register and it was done in conjunction with the Local Plan.


The Head of Community Partnerships advised that the templates used did have the objectives from the previous year but the corporate objective around the Local Plan had been changed to 2023 which was agreed in March and at Full Council in May. 


On being put to the Committee the recommendation was declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being unanimous.




That the draft service plans attached at Appendix 1 be noted and the comments made and the Committee receive the final service plans in March 2022 for recommendation to Council.

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