Agenda item


To provide the Committee with the proposed Rent Arrears Financial Support Scheme for 2021/22. This details how the Council will assist renters using the funding granted to the Council from the Government. The full policy can be found in Appendix One.


This report provided the Committee with the proposed Rent Arrears Financial Support Scheme for 2021/22. This details how the Council will assist renters using the funding granted to the Council from the Government. The full policy can be found in Appendix One to the report.


The Head of Housing Services reported that the nearly £60k funding received from the Government was for the Council to use to assist households that were at risk of homelessness as a result of rent arrears caused by the pandemic.  The paper provided details on how the Council would use that funding.  It was a one off pot of money and there was no indication we would receive this money in the future and it had to be spent in this financial year. 


A Member asked whether some of the paperwork customers have to provide/complete was too onerous and that there was no right to review the decision.


The Head of Housing Services replied that most of the paperwork required was paperwork that is provided as part of a normal housing application and we need that to confirm that the customer is in rent arrears and how they have accrued that.  There is a limited pot of money so we have to make sure we are fair to all our customers and giving the money out appropriately.  On the right to review there is legally no right to do this.  All the decisions made in the housing team are subject to legislation.  Customers are entitled to make a complaint if they feel any errors have been made.


Councillor Chris Lloyd moved the recommendation to adopt the policy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Scarth.  The Councillor thanked officers for their report.  The key thing was the Council were working with partners to provide help to our customers and to try and stop the situation occurring again.  We do refer people to the CAB which is key to get them help with their debts. 


A Member said the customers would be pleased a grant had been provided but if the money had to be used the end of March what was the current need and would the money be spent by then.  Would the funding all go to rent arrears? 


The Head of Housing Services advised the intention was not to retain any of the funding that it all be used on our customers for rent arrears.  The team had spoken with colleagues in Housing Benefit to see if anybody was in rent arrears.  The amount provided to the Council was set by the Government.  Some social media campaigns will also be undertaken to ask anyone who is struggling to contact us.  Once the policy is agreed we can then start giving out funding and did have some customers who would be eligible for funding.


An amendment was put forward to the recommendation that any amendments within the policy be delegated to the Director of Community and Environmental Services in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing.  This was agreed by the proposer and seconder of the motion.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being unanimous.




Agreed the policy and delegated any amendments within the policy to the Director of Community and Environmental Services in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing.

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