Agenda item

21/1395/RSP: Part retrospective: Extension to existing raised patio and additional landscaping works to rear garden at 173 ABBOTS ROAD, ABBOTS LANGLEY, WD5 0BN


The Planning Officer reported that the applicant had today emailed all Members which highlighted the following:

·         Works were done for the safety and privacy of the family

·         Original plans would not achieve the purpose we had in mind so made positive amendments

·         There was a 4 foot drop around our patio

·         We have planted a root protection around the hedges so roots grow downwards


The applicant had also provided some pre-existing photographs which Officers would take Members through of the current situation.


The Planning Officer advised the development had substantially been completed.  A previous application had come to the Committee in April and was deferred for a site visit but had been withdrawn before the May Committee meeting and before a site visit could be undertaken.  This application slightly altered the patio at the top which now came down to another level and there was a further lower level adjacent to the boundary creating a terracing.  Some new hedging had been planted between the pergola which was not on the plans.  Officers had assessed the pergola and decided it came under Class E permitted development, measured from the original ground level. 


Councillor Sara Bedford said because of the gradient of the site it was quite difficult to assess the application just on the photographs without going along to see it and view from the neighbour’s garden.  The Councillor moved deferral of the application in order that the Committee can make a site visit.


Councillor David Raw asked if there were any drawings of the gradient that Councillor Bedford was talking about so the Committee could see the gradient and the different levels between the applicants land and the neighbours land. 


The Planning Officer advised that the plans would not necessarily show the changes in the land levels and the difference between the two. The plans do show the difference in the levels in respect of the ground level of the house which was where the bi-fold doors are at the top and dropping down quite steeply to the level closer to the neighbour’s fence.  The dotted line on the plans showed where the ground level of the patio was and the other lined area showed the actual level which was higher than the natural land level.  There was a difference in respect of height which was why the hedging had been planted to mitigate against any overlooking being provided from the more elevated height.  As Members had seen from the photograph previously, there was obviously quite a drop in levels. The patio had been built at a high level closer to the neighbour but because of the circumstances, as set out in the officer report, it was felt it was acceptable.  The land levels do change with one of the neighbours on a much lower land level but the other on a higher land level so a site visit may assist Members.


Councillor Chris Lloyd seconded the motion to defer for a site visit.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED the voting being 7 For, 0 Against 3 Abstentions.


Only one Member of the public was present and they agreed to defer to speak to the August meeting.



That the application be DEFERRED for a site visit.


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