Agenda item

21/1010/RSP: Part Retrospective: Single storey rear extension and alterations to roof form of existing rear extension at 2C TROWLEY RISE, ABBOTS LANGLEY, WD5 0LW


The Planning Officer reported that this application had been submitted following changes to the roof form of the rear extension which was part existing and part approved via a prior approval application which requires applicants to build in accordance with what was agreed. The extension now has a lower overall height from 3m to 2.8m and a flat roof.

Previous conditions under separate planning permission secure garage parking with a total of 3 spaces.


Councillor Sara Bedford said as one of the Members who had called in the application, which was in quite a prominent location, they felt that having seen the changes particularly with regard to the height of the dormer window and having checked with people who had raised concerns they were now happy with proposal. The Councillor moved the recommendation that Part Retrospective Planning Permission be Granted subject to conditions.


Councillor Debbie Morris asked if the permitted development rights for extending further could be removed.  The Councillor referred to Condition 5 which removed permitted development rights with regard to Class E - buildings etc. incidental to the enjoyment of a dwelling house but felt it should be extended further.  The Planning Officer advised it could be extended further to include further extensions.  Their understanding historically was a previous application had removed permitted development rights solely in relation Class B - extensions to the roof.  This had been part of an application earlier this year which was approved therefore removing that condition and thus the applicant was open to further extend the roof without planning permission.  In respect of the ground floor there was still the potential to extend to the side but if they wanted to extend at the back they would have to submit a prior approval application due to the depth but would be assessed solely on whether or not the neighbour next door objects.  It would be for the Committee to decide if they wished to tighten the condition on permitted development.


The Planning Officer clarified that the Council had recently had a planning application which removed Class B so they had already accepted that knowing that the extension was already there.  The Committee could include Class A to restrict further ground floor extensions but would have concerns on Class B being added.  Given the lack of amenity space highlighted and given that officers have controlled outbuildings in the future it would be reasonable to Condition Class A.

Councillor Debbie Morris asked if the proposer of the application would accept an amendment to Condition C5 that it be extended to include removal of permitted development rights in relation to Class A.


Councillor Sara Bedford was happy to include that amendment to Condition C5 in the recommendation


Councillor Debbie Morris seconded the motion with the amendment to Condition C5 to include removal of permitted development rights in relation to Class A.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Vice-Chair the voting being unanimous.



That PART RETROSPECTIVE PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED and has effect from the date on which the development is carried out and is subject to the conditions set out in the report with an amendment to Condition C5 to include removal of permitted development rights in relation to Class A. The amended Condition to read:


Condition C5


Immediately following the grant of this planning permission, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any other revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification) no development within the following Classes of Schedule 2 of the Order shall take place.


Part 1


Class A - enlargement, improvement or other alteration of a dwellinghouse

Class E - buildings etc incidental to the enjoyment of a dwellinghouse


Reason: To ensure adequate planning control over further development having regard to the shortfall in amenity space and to maintain the character of the area in accordance with Policies CP1 and CP12 of the Core Strategy (adopted October 2011) and Policy DM1 and Appendix 2 of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July 2013).


Supporting documents: