Agenda item

21/0571/FUL - Single-storey rear extension and associated internal alterations and alterations to existing outbuilding to be used as office at 4 SOLESBRIDGE LANE, CHORLEYWOOD, WD3 5SN


                   The Planning Officer reported that there had been one further letter of objection received since the agenda was published and raised similar concerns to those outlined in the report regarding the impact on the Conservation Area, impact on the neighbouring wall, inappropriate roof pitch, height and loss of light. 


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 35(b) a member of the public spoke against the application.


                   Chorleywood Parish Council advised that it seemed unusual to be speaking on a small extension but the nature of these cottages makes the impact of this very small extension quite severe on the neighbouring properties. These cottages have very small courtyards and is the only private garden that they have.  No4 is positioned at the south western end of the terrace.  No.5 has a particularly small courtyard.  There are sheds at the back of the properties. The proposed extension will take up about half of the rear garden and due to its length and increase in height would have an impact on the light at the back of No5 and its courtyard.  Policy CP12 makes it clear that residential amenity is a key need.  The Committee need to consider the loss of light caused by this application and consider refusing it.


                   Councillor Debbie Morris asked if the application is approved could permitted development rights for Class A and E extensions be removed due to the small size of the amenity area.


                   Councillor Alex Hayward asked if there was any appetite to make a site visit?  These are very small cottages and it was difficult to judge and it may be wise to look at this in more detail.  Councillor Raj Khiroya wished to support a site visit.  Looking at the property would give a better understanding. 


                   Councillor Sara Bedford said this was a very tight set of small cottages, on small plots and close together but that’s what they have always been and tended to think that the extension that was being suggested was modest and not unreasonable in the current climate.  They thought the suggestion of withdrawing the Permitted Development rights would be acceptable and was happy to move that Planning Permission be granted subject to conditions with an additional condition regarding permitted development rights, seconded by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst.


                   Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst wished to check what the conditions were in terms of the building work.  It did still state building work could be undertaken on Saturdays and wished that to be removed.  You were only talking about 4 hours on a Saturday and felt it was not unreasonable given how constrained this site is.  Doing a site visit would not provide any more detail than what Members already had. 


                   The Planning Officer advised that the working hours were controlled by other legislation but informative No2 sets out that working hours tend to be controlled by the Control of Pollution Act.  If Members consider it would be reasonable and necessary to make the development appropriate and wished to have a planning condition it can be added but if the applicant was not happy with the condition they could appeal it. 


Councillor Debbie Morris said the speaker also requested temporary screening could something be added on this.  The Planning Officer advised that an informative could be added asking for that to happen but did not think that was something we could insist upon or enforce.  The proposer of the motion was not be happy to add anything to the recommendation on temporary screening as a condition but happy to be included as an informative. 


Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst advised that they would be happy for the construction work on Saturdays to be added as an informative and not as a condition and hoped that the applicant would be reasonable in undertaking this.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being 9 For, 1 Against and 1 Abstention




That Planning Permission be granted in accordance with the officer recommendation set out in the report with the inclusion of a further condition removing permitted development rights (Classes A and E).  Amendments to informatives, to include request for temporary screening and no construction work on Saturdays.


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