Agenda item

21/0514/ADV: Advertisement Consent: Installation of 1 non-illuminated totem sign; 3 non-illuminated fascia signs to western elevation and non-illuminated fascia signs to southern elevation at TRAVIS PERKINS, CHURCH WHARF, CHURCH STREET, RICKMANSWORTH


There was no Officer update.


Councillor David Raw had concerns about the totem sign at the front.


Councillor Raj Khiroya asked whether there were three signs previously.


The Planning Officer did not know exactly how many signs there were previously but there were signs on the building, entrance gates and fencing and there were flagpoles.  With regard to the colours, the Officers felt they were acceptable.  They were company colours, would be set back from the road within the site so they did not believe it would be prominent.  It was not illuminated. 


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 35(b) a member of the public spoke in favour of the application.


Batchworth Community Councillor Diana Barber said the Community Council objected to the proposed signage on the site.  They felt it was inappropriate and obtrusive and detrimental to the street scene.  Policy DM3 stated applications would only be supported where they sustain, preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area and this did neither. They requested that the huge proposed signage on the west flank be refused as it would harm important views into and out of the area.


The Planning Officer clarified that because the application site was not within the Conservation Area Policy DM3 was not relevant in so far as it refers to preserving and enhancing Conservation Areas, however, it does also state that development outside of a Conservation Area should not be granted if it would adversely affect the setting of a Conservation Area or views into or out of that Conservation Area.  The Conservation Area was approximately 40 metres north east of the site to the other side of Church Street and the Batchworth Roundabout and the Officer’s view was that the signs on building would not affect the setting of the Conservation Area or views into or out of that Conservation Area.  The totem sign was set back from the road within the site and consider it is acceptable.  The application only relates to advertisement consent not operating consent.


Councillor Sara Bedford clarified what Officers had stated in that the site was not in the Conservation Area and the sign would not be illuminated.  The application was about signs and not about the size or appearance of the industrial buildings and not about the operating hours.  All that was being considered was some non illuminated signs.  All the way alongside the canal from Kings Langley to Rickmansworth and Mill End the canal has historically been used for industrial purposes and this application was not out keeping with the canal side locations.  This part of Rickmansworth was not a village location.  The Councillor could see no problems with the signs as long as they were not to be illuminated. 


Councillor Sara Bedford moved, seconded by Councillor Raj Khiroya, the recommendation as set out in the officer report the advertisement consent be granted.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Chair of the meeting the voting being unanimous.


That ADVERTISEMENT CONSTENT BE GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in the Officer report. 


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