Agenda item


To seek Council’s agreement to a Statement of Common Ground (SCG) and an agreement to consult on a draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to support the preparation of a Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) for South West Hertfordshire


This report provided details on the South West Herts Joint Strategic Plan and sought the Council’s agreement to a Statement of Common Ground (SCG) and an agreement to consult on a draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to support the preparation of a Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) for South West Hertfordshire.


The Senior Planning Officer introduced Chris Outtersides and Marko Kalik to the meeting who were managing the South West Herts Joint Strategic Plan.  The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee of the Council’s involvement in the South West Herts Joint Strategic Plan and gave details of the Statement of Common Ground and Statement of Community Involvement.


The following points were raised by Members:

           Paragraph 3.6 stated the SW Herts JSP Planning Members Group comprised the Planning Portfolio Holder for each of the SW Herts authorities, was there a need for a Shadow Portfolio Holder in case of absence or election changes? 

Response: It had been agreed that Councils would be able to send a deputy to those meetings.  The current representative for the Council was the Leader.  In terms of opposition Members, briefings could be held to ensure they were aware of all the changes.  The aim of the Statement of Common Ground was to futureproof the process.  For the Plan to work it would have to be brought through the Committee cycles of each of the Council’s involved. 

           A concern was raised that there were two further neighbouring authorities, Buckinghamshire and Hillingdon and whether this would affect working with them. 

Response: We would reach out to all neighbouring authorities to ensure we all reached common ground.  Working together in South West Herts meant we could respond to other Authorities as a Group which gave us a stronger voice than as individual Councils.

           There were already 2 questionnaires out in Three Rivers, one about the Aquadrome and one about the High Street and it was doubtful residents would know anything about them unless they had accessed the TRDC website.  How were we planning on getting important issues on the Statement of Community Involvement across to Residents? 

Response: The Plan was that the Community Engagement and Community Strategy would be ahead of the game.  The new Innovative website would be going live in the next 4 to 5 weeks.  Once the Statement of Common Ground was signed there would be a press release and they were working with the University of Hertfordshire to get the messages out particularly to young people.  They wanted to ensure the messaging on the JSP was clear.  They were doing visioning work with the community and stakeholders to get the plan into people’s minds.  All Member briefings had been taking place across all authorities to get the messages out. 

           Who was on the Steering Group? 


Response:  The Strategic Members Group was chaired by Councillor White from St Albans which provided a briefing link to Hertfordshire Growth Board.  The other Members were Councillors Alan Anderson, Dacorum; Harvey Cohen, Hertsmere; Stephen Boulton, HCC and Stephen Johnson from WBC.  The Steering Group came beneath that group.

           The Colne Valley Partnership could not be found as consultees and it was felt very important to include them.

Response: They would be added to the consultees.

           A cross party briefing would be arranged for the group.

           The JSP would ensure Three Rivers would not get left out.

A Member said the post code for the South Oxhey library was incorrect and asked that this be corrected.

Councillor Chris Lloyd moved, duly seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes, the recommendation as set out in the report. 

On being put to the Committee the recommendations as set out in the officer report were declared CARRIED by the Chair the voting being unanimous.




That the Statement of Common Ground (SCG), attached as Appendix 1, be approved as a guide to the preparation of a Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) for South West Hertfordshire, and


That the new Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 2021 for the South West Herts Joint Strategic Plan, be approved for targeted consultation with arrangements for this consultation and any minor amendments to the document to be agreed by the Head of Planning Policy & Projects in consultation with the Director of Community and Environmental Services and the Leader of the Council under delegated authority.

Supporting documents: