
Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions


No. Item




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To confirm, as being a correct record, the minutes of the General Public Services, Community Safety & Infrastructure Committee, held on 23 July 2024, and for them to be signed by the Chair.



Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chair to rule on the admission of such items.


Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Permission to Consult pdf icon PDF 228 KB

The report requests that the Committee approve public consultation on the proposed 3 year extension of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) with restrictions for dogs currently in place throughout the District.




       i.          That approval is given for a public consultation to extend the current PSPO (with variations as outlined in this report) relating to dog control for a further 3 years.


      ii.          That the results of the public consultation to be collated and presented to this Committee in January 2025 for a decision.




To receive any declarations of interest.



Annual CASTR Update pdf icon PDF 458 KB

Presentation by Peta Mettam – CEO of Citizens Advise Service Three Rivers (CASTR)


Budget Management Report P3 pdf icon PDF 199 KB

This report covers this Committees financial position over the medium term (2024 – 2027) as at Period 3 (end of June).




That Members note & comment on the contents of the report.


Additional documents:


Anti Social Behaviour Policy pdf icon PDF 238 KB

The Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy expired in August 2024 and has therefore been updated and reviewed. The new draft policy is attached at Appendix A.




That; General Public Services, Community Safety and Infrastructure Committee agrees the Three Rivers District Council’s Anti-social behaviour policy 2024 and recommends to Policy and Resources and Full Council.


Additional documents:


Capital Grants pdf icon PDF 277 KB


In September 2018 a proposal was agreed by Policy and Resources Committee to restructure the councils external grant process. This resulted in development of service level agreements with selected local organisations using the revenue funding and small capital projects which the Leisure, Environment and Community Committee would agree to be allocated to the service area.


In October 2018 Leisure, Environment and Community Committee agreed the capital grant for 2019/20 and that future health and wellbeing projects would be detailed in the service plans of Strategy and Partnerships and Leisure. This funding has been spent on Outdoor Spaces. As five years have passed a review is required for allocation of the capital funding from 2024-2029. This report will explore the reasons and options for expenditure for the next 5 years with recommendations.






       i.          Committee agree to continue to use the Capital Grants funding of £20,000 per year for the next 5 years to support health and wellbeing initiatives in the district between Strategy and Partnerships and Leisure and Natural Infrastructure teams. The financial split between the teams will be Strategy & Partnerships £13,000, Leisure and Natural Infrastructure £7,000. Individual projects will be costed and agreed through the service planning process. This recommendation is subject to continuing budget provision.


      ii.          Committee agree that decisions for the 2024/25 allocation be delegated to the Associate Director for Corporate, Customer and Community in consultation with Group Leaders.


Draft Service Plan 2025-28 pdf icon PDF 276 KB


This report provides an overview of the draft service plans which detail our ambitions, priorities, targets and how each service area is working towards delivering the Councils’ objectives outlined in the Corporate Framework. Key Performance Indicators and Service Volumes are included within the service plan alongside a link to the strategic, operational and climate resilience risks.




For the Committee to comment on and/or request any amends to the draft service plans for 2025 – 2028. Final Service Plans will be agreed by Council alongside the budget.

Additional documents:


Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan pdf icon PDF 654 KB

This draft report provides an update on the LCWIP project including the key findings from the public consultation held between the 22 May to the 17 July 2023.




       i.          That Members note the report and approve the proposed changes as a result of the public consultation and further investigations detailed in the table below:



Description of Route

Proposed Changes


Watford via Croxley to Rickmansworth High Street

None at this stage.


Rickmansworth to Denham Way via Nightingale Road and Springwell Avenue

Include the alternative route through Townfield alongside Fire station.


Rickmansworth Station across the common to Chorleywood Station

Route across the common and alternative one way along Common Road to be removed, consider extending route along the A404 to Clement Danes school.


Stag Lane and Shepherds Lane, Mill End

Remove modal filter but maintain the minor junction improvements and look at slowing vehicle speeds to improve conditions for cycling.


Chalfont Road to towards Denham and Bucks border

None at this stage.


Not a priority LCWIP route, this is a TRDC local route

Route to remain as local cycling route but modal filter to be removed as not supported.

Walking Routes

5 routes in South Oxhey

None at this stage.


      ii.          Officers continue to pursue the LCWIP for presentation of a Plan for adoption at a future Committee meeting.



Additional documents:


Three Rivers District Council CCTV Policy 2024 pdf icon PDF 223 KB

The New CCTV Policy replaces the Three Rivers District Council CCTV Codes of Practice 2021 and forms part of a wider CCTV review currently taking place at Three Rivers District Council. The review includes the purchase of new Community Safety Partnership CCTV cameras, this new policy and an agreement with Hertfordshire County Council to attach CCTV cameras to their street furniture.




That the Committee adopts the new CCTV policy 2024 – 2028 and recommends to Full Council.




The Committee agrees to give delegated Authority to Associate Director of Corporate, Customer and Community to authorise minor changes to the policy, such as terminology, clarification, or administrative corrections with no significant impact.


Additional documents:


Proposals for an Off Street Parking Places Order to allow parking controls to be implemented at new parking bays at School Mead, Abbots Langley, Herts. pdf icon PDF 328 KB

Following the approval of planning permission to install hardstanding and associated development to facilitate the creation of parking bays at School Mead, Abbots Langley, Officers are now seeking to implement a form of Traffic Order (an Off Street Parking Places Order) on these parking bays.




       i.          That the Committee agree to an Off Street Parking Places Order to be implemented to impose parking controls on the new parking bays at School Mead (and vary the existing TRO and controls if required).

      ii.          Committee confirm the initial controls proposed and to be consulted upon as:

-           To replicate the existing controls on the new bays

-           for 1 hour parking with 2 hours no return.

-           the Order would operate Monday to Saturday 8am to 6.30pm


-           To introduce a new TRO on all the existing and proposed bays

-           for 2 hour parking with 2 hours no return.

-           the Order would operate Monday to Saturday 8am to 6.30pm


     iii.          Authority is delegated to the  Director of Finance, in consultation with the Lead Member of General Public Services together with relevant Ward Councillors, to implement the Order and for Officers to make any necessary amendments or variations to the proposal as may be required, including as a result of responses to any consultation; as well as to address or set aside any formal objections to any Notice of Proposal  in connection with approval of the final Order scheme.


Additional documents:


Work programme pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To comment on the Committee’s work programme


OTHER BUSINESS - if approved under item 3 above