Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Committee Team 


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


There were none.


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It was confirmed that the minutes of the meeting held on 24 August 2023 were a correct record and would be signed by the Chair.




Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chairman to rule on the admission of such items.


There was none



To receive any declaration of interests.


There was none.


Local Plan Regulation 18 Part Four Consultation Summary, Non-Housing Sites and Bedmond Village Growth Options


The Chair had circulated to Members of the sub-committee a proposed amendment to the Officer’s recommendations published in the report.


The proposed recommendations from the Chair were as follows:


 That the Local Plan Sub Committee:

1.       Note the contents of this report and the required further work.

2.       Agree the Lower Growth and Green Belt restraint option, that received over 90% public support, where only sites in areas of moderate Green Belt harm or less, as set out in the Stage 2 Green Belt Review, are considered acceptable for residential development continues to be Council’s position.

3.       Agree the non-housing allocations as set out in this report except for CFS 11  (Carpenders Park Farm, Oxhey Lane) where officers are to require Hertfordshire County Council, as the education authority, to substantiate their requirement for this site with evidence for a 10fe secondary Low Growth option of this authority and report back.

4.       That officers work further with Hertfordshire County Council over the Countys' identified need for a secondary school, but not yet a site, in the Abbots Langley/ Kings Langley area. 

5.       Agree the insetting of Bedmond within the Green Belt as established via the Stage 1 Green Belt Review and as required by para 140 of the NPPF 

6.       Agree to site CFS10 NOT being allocated in addition to the two Bedmond sites included in the Regulation 18 Part 4 Lower Housing Growth Option.


The Chair informed the Committee that there were some inconsistences in Appendix 7, Proposed Open Space Allocation. Some open space allocations were missing and several small open space allocations had been included. These errors would be addressed by officers.


Marko Kalik, Head of Planning Policy and Conservation, presented the report and appendices which provided a summary of the regulation 18, part 4 consultation on the Council’s low growth option and sought Member agreement on the growth option to be pursued for the regulation 19 publication version of the plan and sought Member approval for a range of non-housing allocations and agreement on the insetting of Bedmond in the Green Belt.

The Head of Planning presented the background to the Council’s Local Plan and then spoke about each appendix in turn and answered questions raised.


The Chair advised the sub-committee that if any definitive guidance or information was forthcoming from Central Government, following the change of administration, a Local Plan Sub-Committee meeting may be required in September.


Jon Bishop from the Chorleywood Residents Association spoke to the sub-committee about concerns regarding the moderate growth option and that he was in support of the low growth option. It was felt that any delay would very impactful and there were objections to the insetting of Bedmond.


Appendix 1- Part 4 Consultation Report


Appendix 1 set out the consultation summary. 17,000 consultation responses had been received from 957 individual respondents. Most responses were from older people and officers would continue to try and reach younger people and hard to reach groups.

The final details of the individual sites were being  ...  view the full minutes text for item LPSC27/23


OTHER BUSINESS - If approved under item 3 above.


There was none.