Agenda and minutes

Venue: Penn Chamber

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Stephen Giles-Medhurst and Sarah Nelmes with the substitute Members being Councillors Steve Drury and Raj Khiroya.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 13 September 2021.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 13 September 2021 were confirmed as a correct record and were signed by the Chair subject to the following amendment:


Page 7 under Minute PR32/21 in line 2 “the word able to read unable”



Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chair to rule on the admission of such items.


The Vice Chair advised that a new item of business had been added to the agenda after it was published – item 8a with regard to an Exemption from Procurement Procedure Rules – Eastbury Outdoor Gym. 


There was no decision to be made just to note the exemption but it was agreed by the Chair (Cllr Sarah Nelmes) to add the item to the agenda as an urgent item of business so that the exemption can be noted and the project can move forward by officers. 


The taking of the item as urgent was agreed by the Committee by general assent.



To receive any declarations of interest.



There were no declarations of interest




To advise Members of some minor changes required to the Hardship Rate Relief Policy.

Additional documents:


The Shared Director of Finance introduced the item advising that there was a minor amendment required to the policy which was being brought to the Committee.  The amendment was in response to an investigation by the Ombudsman that found in the Council’s favour but noted that our policy was not clear on the process if someone objected or wanted to appeal a decision under the Hardship Rate Relief scheme.  The policy had been amended at Section 1.9, Paragraph 1.9.1 to allow someone to object or appeal a decision within 30 days.  This was the only amendment proposed.


A Member queried Paragraph 1.4.1 and one of the issues which needed to be considered “The potential amount of any relief may in some cases constitute state aid and therefore adherence to EU regulations must be followed” and thought this issue needed to be taken out of the policy now. 


The Shared Director of Finance advised that there was still rules around state aid which still remained at present under transition rules but the rule would be revised once the UK rules came into force. 


The Member also queried that as the relief was rewarded retrospectively what would happen if they could not pay and was why they were asking for relief. 


The Shared Director of Finance advised that the Council would always work with people who apply for hardship relief and who approach us about payments and we could arrange a payment plan with them until the outcome of the relief was heard.  This was available to anyone who approached us for help and was included in a wider policy which sat above this policy.  Details on the policy were included on the website.  It was highlighted to the Committee that the retail, hospitality and leisure relief had been extended for next year and could reduce the amount of requests received.


A Member said it would be helpful to have tracked changes highlighted in the policy when a revised policy was being presented to the Committee for agreement.


Councillor Chris Lloyd moved, seconded by Councillor Alex Hayward, that the changes to the policy be agreed.


On being put to the Committee the motion was declared CARRIED by the Vice Chair the voting being unanimous.




Agreed the changes to the policy at Paragraph 1.9 Point 1.9.1



Budget monitoring report is a key tool in scrutinising the Council’s financial performance. It is designed to provide an overview to all relevant stakeholders. It is essential that the council monitors its budgets throughout the year to ensure that it is meeting its strategic objectives and that corrective action is taken where necessary.


This report seeks approval to a change in the Council’s 2021 - 2024 medium-term revenue financial plan. The report shows the Council’s overall consolidated medium term financial plan for both revenue and capital.

Additional documents:


The Shared Director of Finance presented the budget monitoring report to the Committee advising of some changes to the Leisure area as detailed in the revenue summary which were around realigning the budgets.  Other key changes were in terms of the Government Income Relief Scheme where more guidance had now been received around the income relief scheme and that we may only be able to claim for the first quarter of SLM management fee waiver although we had put in an application for the whole amount to see whether this would be paid.  A more prudent assumption was that we would only get relief in relation to the first quarter.


Members raised the following points:


Some Members had held a briefing before the meeting raising some points on the budget but had not been provided with any responses to their enquiries.  The Shared Director of Finance would look into this after the meeting.


Made reference to the budget changes in Leisure, particularly regarding playing fields and open spaces and the increase in £15k in the budget due to on-going repairs and maintenance in play areas and £5k to replace play equipment – could details be provided on which play areas this related to.


Could information be provided on what determines whether TRDC or a Parish/Community Council pay for maintenance and repairs in play areas?


On Paragraph 5.2 with regard to debtors it would be useful if comparative data could be provided to check against. 


With regard to not getting the full Government grant for SLM had we good provision to fund this?  The Member was aware they were paying the amount back over 20 years.  How would this work.


On staff vacancies there were quite a few but a lot of them stated in the appendices that they are not currently advertised. 


On Three Rivers House transformation it stated there were no set plans this year but work had clearly been undertaken, particularly in the reception area, so did not understand how there are no set plans but work had already been done.  Could officers confirm how much the costs incurred so far were? 


On CCTV the budget had increased from £6k to £12k.  On the basis it was a demand led service the Member assumed more CCTV cameras had been brought but where were they brought for? 


On outdoor fitness zones where were these and were TRDC covering the total cost.


Did we waive the first quarter’s fee for SLM, how much are they behind and how much effectively do they owe the Council?  Are we proposing to raise the management fee to recoup the money if the Government don’t pay?


Car parking bays there was an £110k underspend which had been re-phased into the work programme for next year.  Where there is a need in South Oxhey for parking bays why had there been an underspend? 


On the Apprenticeships there were 3 vacancies and the Member wondered if we were going to colleges and higher education places to  ...  view the full minutes text for item PR42/21



To receive the Committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


The Principal Committee Manager presented the work programme to the Committee advising that the Business Rates Pooling report would be coming to the December meeting, an update had been provided with regard to Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and that a report on the Community Interest Company had been taken off the work programme as this was not being progressed by the Council.


On the matter of CIL a Member asked if that was a review of the areas or just the rates.  The Director of Community and Environmental Services said once the Local Plan was approved that process would follow with both the areas and rates reviewed.


A Member queried why Livestreaming/hybrid meetings was not included on the work programme.  It was advised that the Council had received a grant for this and an urgent decision had been agreed by the four Group Leaders so that officers could move ahead and complete the project.  A report would be presented to Council in December as required under Rule 11(6) but there was no financial support/budget required.




Noted the work programme.



To advise Members that an exemption to the Procurement process was approved by the Director of Community and Environmental Services under the Exceptional Circumstances exemption as permitted by the Council’s Constitution.


The Director of Community and Environmental Services presented the report to the Committee.  The report advised that Batchworth Community Council had provided additional funds for the Eastbury outdoor gym area.  This was a great piece of work between the Council and the Community Council.


A Member referred to the report a Paragraph 2.8 where it stated that any additional cost related to the equipment would be recharged to the Community Council which included items such as day to day maintenance, repairs, replacement items etc.  Should the costs of this should be borne in proportion to contributions of each party but it seemed the Community Council were being asked to pay 100% of the costs. 


The Director of Community and Environmental Services advised that was not the case they were only being asked for the costs related to the additional equipment and understood that had been advised to the Community Council but would clarify that with them outside the meeting.


The Member further referred to insurance of the equipment which was not featured or detailed in the costs to be borne by anyone and asked was that because the equipment was uninsured or would not be insured. 


The Shared Director of Finance advised that the Council have a blanket insurance policy to cover all our play areas. 


The Director of Community and Environmental Services said it would depend on the nature of the damage and whether it was wear and tear or vandalism and whether it was covered by the insurance, and if it was, there would be no additional costs.


On being put to the Committee the recommendation to note the exemption was declared CARRIED by the Vice-Chair the voting being unanimous.




Noted the exemption taken.