Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Northway, Rickmansworth WD3 1RL

Contact: Committee Team  Email:


No. Item


To choose a Member to preside if the Chair and Vice Chair be absent


In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, it was moved by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst and seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes that Councillor Keith Martin take the chair and preside over the meeting.


RESOLVED: that Councillor Keith Martin take the chair for the duration of the meeting.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sara Bedford, Stephen Cox, Rue Grewal, Tony Humphreys, Raj Khiroya, Joan King, and Stephen King.



Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



Announcements from the Chair or Head of Paid Service

To receive any announcements from the Chair or Head of Paid Service.


There were no announcements.



Suspension of Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 206 KB

To consider the suspension of the Council Procedure Rules to enable the transaction of business at item 5.2.


Council considered the suspension of its procedure rules to allow for the transaction of business at item 5b, namely the election of a Leader, Deputy Leader, and Lead Members of the Council, and then the election of members to these roles.


Members discussed the fact that the proposals represented the Liberal Democrat group’s proposals for the formation of an administration, the proposals to increase the size of the Policy and Resources Committee, the number of Lead Members, and that the proposals for the number of lead members had not changed from those adopted at the annual meeting on 21 May 2024.


The recommendations of the report were moved by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst and seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes.

RESOLVED: To suspend the procedure rules in accordance with rule 32 for the duration of the meeting.


Appointment of the Leader, Deputy Leader, and Lead Members pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To appoint the Leader, Deputy Leader, and Lead Members of the Council.


Council considered proposed appointments to the positions of Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Members.


Members discussed the number of lead members, the size of the Policy and Resources Committee, and the proposed allocation of two independent members to the Audit Committee.


The recommendations of the report were moved by Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst and seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes.


RESOLVED: To agree the existing appointments of the Leader, Deputy Leader and Lead Members as set out at Appendix A to the report:


a.    Leader of the Council: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst

b.    Deputy Leader of the Council: Councillor Sarah Nelmes

c.     Lead Members:

                                          i.    Resources: Councillor Jonathon Solomons

                                         ii.    Infrastructure and Economic Development: Councillor Louise Price

                                        iii.    General Public Services: Councillor Sarah Nelmes

                                       iv.    Housing and Public Health: Councillor Steve Drury

                                         v.    Leisure: Councillor Chris Lloyd

                                       vi.    Community Safety and Partnerships: Councillor Andrew Scarth

                                      vii.    Sustainability and Climate Change: Councillor Jon Tankard


Committee Sizes, Seats, Chairs and Vice Chairs pdf icon PDF 217 KB

To determine the size of the Policy and Resources Committee, service committees, regulatory committees, and other committees; to determine the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with Sections 15 to 17 inclusive of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (the political balance rules); and to appoint the Chairs and Vice Chairs thereof.

Additional documents:


Council debated the changes to committee sizes, the allocation of seats to independent members, and membership of the Local Area Fora.




1.    To approve the establishment of the committees, sub-committees, and other bodies, and proportionality thereof, as set out at Appendix A.

2.    To approve the appointments of the Chairs and Vice Chairs as set out at Appendix B.

3.    To approve the appointments of members to committees, sub-committees, and other bodies as set out at Appendix B.

4.    To agree that where there are any outstanding places the relevant political group may give written notice to the Monitoring Officer of their appointments 10 clear days before the relevant committee is due to meet.

5.    To agree that the political groups may notify the Monitoring Officer of any in-year changes to committee membership by giving written notice 10 clear days before the relevant committee is due to meet.

6.    To delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to fill any vacant seats reserved for co-opted members, be they unfilled by Council or made vacant through resignation, following the normal recruitment processes for those roles and subject to consultation with the Chair of the relevant committee and the Leaders of the political groups.

7.    To delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential changes to the constitution arising out of this report, such as changes to committee names, size, procedures, and removal of reference to committees not established.


Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To appoint to outside bodies.

Additional documents:


Council considered proposals to appoint to outside bodies.


The recommendations of the report were moved by Councillor Steven Giles-Medhurst and seconded by Councillor Sarah Nelmes subject to the inclusion of Councillor Andrea Fraser as a member of the Environmental Forum.




  1. To approve the appointments to outside bodies and internal bodies as set out at Appendix A subject to the inclusion of Councillor Andrea Fraser as a member of the Environmental Forum.
  2. To agree that where there are any outstanding places the relevant political group may give written notice to the Monitoring Officer of their appointments.
  3. To agree that the political groups may notify the Monitoring Officer of any in-year changes to outside body membership by giving written notice.
  4. To delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential changes to the constitution arising out of this report.