Venue: Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth. View directions
Contact: Committee Team
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. |
Notice of Urgent Business Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chair to rule on the admission of such items. |
Information only: minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 21 November 2024 PDF 236 KB The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 21 November 2024 are attached for information only, as a reminder of the Committee’s discussions. |
22/1945/FUL: Hybrid application for the creation of a Film Hub to include detailed approval for demolition of a number of existing buildings including children's farm buildings and change of use of Langleybury House and Aisled Barn for filming and the construction of a cafe within the Walled Garden, new car parking area to north of site, alterations to existing access points along Langleybury Lane, change of use of the L Shaped Barn (to multi purpose use including cycle hub, showers and vehicle storage) and change of use of ground floor of the existing Laundry to reception facility, together with outline planning approval (matters reserved: Scale, Layout, Appearance and Landscaping) for change of use of site to a Film Hub to include Craft Workshop buildings, Sound Stages, Support Workshops, Production Offices, Backlots, Film and Television Training Facility Building, Offices, Ancillary Buildings, parking areas and relocation of Langleybury Children's Farm including new farm buildings. Alterations to existing cycle path and pedestrian network within the site, to include provision of a new pedestrian/cycle access within the site to the A41 at Land to the East of Langleybury Lane, including Langleybury House Estate, Langleybury Lane.
Recommendation: that planning permission is refused. Additional documents: |
Other Business - if approved under item 3 above |
Exclusion of Public and Press If the Committee wishes to consider any items in private, it will be appropriate for a resolution to be passed in the following terms:
“that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act. It has been decided by the Council that in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.”
(Note: If other confidential business is approved under item 3, it will also be necessary to specify the class of exempt or confidential information in the additional items.)