Issue - meetings
24/1614/FUL – Demolition of existing dwelling and shed and construction of two storey detached dwelling including basement level with swimming pool and accommodation in the roofspace served by rear dormer window and front/side/rear rooflights, side s
Meeting: 23/01/2025 - Planning Committee (Item 100)
Demolition of existing dwelling and shed and construction of two storey detached dwelling including basement level with swimming pool and accommodation in the roofspace served by rear dormer window and front/side/rear rooflights, side solar panels with associated heatpump, access, bin and bike store, parking and landscaping works and vehicle cross over at 20 Batchworth Lane, Northwood.
Recommendation: that planning permission be granted.
Additional documents:
The application was for the demolition of an existing dwelling and shed and construction of two storey detached dwelling including basement level with swimming pool and accommodation in the roofspace served by rear dormer window and front/side/rear rooflights, side solar panels with associated heatpump, access, bin and bike store, parking and landscaping works and vehicle cross over at 20 Batchworth Lane, Northwood.
The application was before the Committee as it had been called in by Batchworth Community Council if officers were minded to approve for the reasons set out in the officer report.
The Planning Officer gave the following updates and drew attention to the following points:
· Since publication of the report the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) had raised no objection to the scheme, which it considered a betterment of the existing circumstance. However, it had proposed two conditions which were: (i) a surface water drainage strategy and (ii) a construction phase surface water management plan. Condition 3 within the report already required a pre-commencement surface water strategy; an additional condition was recommended to be attached to any grant of permission to require a construction phase surface water management plan.
· An amendment had been made to the rear second access off Eastbury Road where the gates had now been set back by a further metre (previously proposed at 5m positioning now proposed at 6m positioning). As a result of this the Highways Authority had removed its objection to the scheme on the basis that the setback positioning of the rear gates was no longer of concern and the relocation of the access was considered as relocation of an existing access rather than an additional access. There were therefore now no Highways objections to the proposal.
· Changes made following the previous refusal were summarised as: addition of brickwork to the large glazing to the front gable; lowering of the ridge height by 0.7m; removal of the rear garage from the site; and further setting back of the rear gates to Eastbury Road. Additionally, the front access which was previously proposed as a pedestrian access was now proposed as a vehicular access.
A local resident spoke against the application.
The agent spoke in favour of the application.
Parish Councillor Diana Barber of Batchworth Community Council spoke against the application.
Committee members asked questions on the details of the application which were responded to by officers. The Committee’s discussions included the following:
· A pre-commencement condition had been included requiring piling details and methodology to be submitted. Some Committee Members expressed concern about the potential impact of the extent of the piling which would be needed, and the potential impact on neighbouring properties.
· A pre-commencement condition requiring a Construction Management Plan (CMP) to be submitted, including number of vehicles, types, routing, access and traffic management arrangements was conditioned. Notwithstanding this, Committee Members remained concerned about the construction management implications given the size of the development, the amount of spoil to be removed and the busy nature of the surrounding roads and junction. It ... view the full minutes text for item 100