Issue - meetings
24/1476/LBC – Listed Building Consent: Construction of pitched roof single storey side extension with accommodation in the roofspace at Solesbridge House, Solesbridge Lane, Chorleywood, Rickmansworth, WD3 5SR
Meeting: 23/01/2025 - Planning Committee (Item 98)
Listed building consent: construction of pitched roof single storey side extension with accommodation in the roofspace at Solesbridge House, Solesbridge Lane, Chorleywood, Rickmansworth.
Recommendation: that listed building consent be granted.
Additional documents:
The application was for listed building consent for construction of pitched roof single storey side extension with accommodation in the roofspace at Solesbridge House, Solesbridge Lane, Chorleywood.
The application was before the Committee as the agent for the application is a Three Rivers District Councillor.
The application was debated with application 24/1360/FUL above.
Councillor Whately-Smith moved, and Councillor Merali seconded, that listed building consent be granted subject to conditions. On being put to the vote, this was carried unanimously.
RESOLVED: that listed building consent be granted subject to conditions.