Issue - meetings

24/1341/FUL – Construction of single-storey front extension and first floor rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and internal alterations, alterations to fenestration and extension of driveway at 69 SYCAMORE ROAD, CROXLEY

Meeting: 12/12/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 90)

90 24/1341/FUL – Construction of single-storey front extension and first floor rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and internal alterations, alterations to fenestration and extension of driveway at 69 Sycamore Road, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, WD3 3TY pdf icon PDF 381 KB

Construction of single-storey front extension and first floor rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and internal alterations, alterations to fenestration and extension of driveway.


Recommendation: That planning permission be granted.

Additional documents:


Councillor Drury re-entered the room.


The application was for construction of a single-storey front extension and first floor rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation and internal alterations, alterations to fenestration and extension of driveway at 69 Sycamore Road, Croxley Green.


The application had been deferred at the Planning Committee meeting on 7 November to allow for a site visit.


Members discussed whether the proposal was in line with the character of the area, and the impact on neighbouring amenity, and differing views were expressed.


Councillor Whately-Smith moved, and Councillor Morris seconded, refusal of the application contrary to the officer recommendation on the grounds that the single-storey front extension, by virtue of its width, depth, and flat roof design would be overly prominent and incongruous, and overbearing to the neighbouring property at No. 71.  The wording of the reasons for refusal would be circulated to Committee Members for agreement following the meeting.


On being put to the vote this was agreed, the voting being 7 For, 2 Against and 1 Abstention.


RESOLVED: that the application be refused, with the reasons for refusal to be circulated to Committee Members for agreement before the decision is issued.


[Note: the wording subsequently agreed is shown below:


The proposed single storey front extension by virtue of its full width, depth and flat roof design would be an overly prominent and incongruous addition to the detriment of the character and appearance of the host dwelling, terrace group and street scene and would represent an overbearing and unneighbourly development as experienced by the neighbour (No. 71). The development would be contrary to Policies CP1 and CP12 of the Core Strategy (adopted October 2011), Policy DM1 and Appendix 2 of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July2013) and Policy CA2 of the Croxley Green Neighbourhood Plan (2018).]