Issue - meetings
Business Rate Pooling 2025/26
Meeting: 10/12/2024 - Full Council (Item 13.)
13. Business Rate Pooling 2025/26 PDF 140 KB
1. That Council agrees in principle that Three Rivers District Council enters into the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, subject to the Government accepting its application to form a pool.
2. That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance to sign up to the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, within 28 days of the Local Government Finance Settlement.
Meeting: 02/12/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 6.)
6. Business Rate Pooling 2025/26 PDF 140 KB
This report seeks approval to enter into a business rates pool with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) and a number of other Districts within the County for 2025/26.
That Policy & Resources Committee recommends to Full Council:
1. That Council agrees in principle that Three Rivers District Council enters into the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, subject to the Government accepting its application to form a pool.
2. That Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance to sign up to the Hertfordshire Business Rates Pool, within 28 days of the Local Government Finance Settlement.