Issue - meetings

24/1155/RSP - Part retrospective: Works to rear gardens of Plots 1 and 2 including land levelling, external patio, retaining walls, external seating areas and fencing at VIVIKT, CHORLEYWOOD ROAD, RICKMANSWORTH, WD3 4EP

Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 73)

73 24/1155/RSP - Part retrospective: Works to rear gardens of Plots 1 and 2 including land levelling, external patio, retaining walls, external seating areas and fencing at VIVIKT, CHORLEYWOOD ROAD, RICKMANSWORTH, WD3 4EP pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Part retrospective: works to rear gardens of Plots 1 and 2 including land levelling, external patio, retaining walls, external seating areas and fencing.


Recommendation: That part retrospective planning permission be granted.

Additional documents:


The application was for part retrospective permission for works to rear gardens of Plots 1 and 2 including land levelling, external patio, retaining walls, external seating areas and fencing at Vivikt, Chorleywood Road, Rickmansworth.


The application was before the Committee as it had been called in by Chorleywood Parish Council due to insufficient information on the proposed development and concerns regarding the impact of the development on surrounding neighbouring properties.


The Planning Officer reported that the plan numbers in condition 1 and condition 4 required updating to reflect the correct plan numbers as E118 REV C and E1120.


Parish Councillor Jon Bishop of Chorleywood Parish Council spoke on the application and reported that the Parish Council had subsequently withdrawn its call in following the submission of new plans and confirmation that the existing enforcement case would not be closed until the application was fully enacted.


Terence Horner, a local resident, spoke against the application.


The Planning Officer commented that prior to the meeting, some discrepancies on the plan had been noted by residents which had related to land levels, with the plans not having taken account of the changes to land levels resulting from spoil remaining on the site.  The plans also did not include spot levels relating to existing topography.  It was therefore suggested that the application be deferred in order to obtain clarification in relation to existing levels and existing spot heights so comparisons could be made between plans.


The Chair moved, and Councillor Lloyd seconded, that the application be deferred to seek clarification on existing and proposed land levels and this was agreed unanimously.


RESOLVED: that the application be deferred to seek clarification on existing and proposed land levels.