Issue - meetings

24/1250/FUL – Erection of a single storey rear extension connecting the existing dwelling and outbuilding at 96 WOLSEY ROAD, MOOR PARK, NORTHWOOD, HERTFORDSHIRE, HA6 2EH

Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 75)

75 24/1250/FUL – Erection of a single storey rear extension connecting the existing dwelling and outbuilding at 96 WOLSEY ROAD, MOOR PARK, NORTHWOOD, HERTFORDSHIRE, HA6 2EH pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Erection of a single storey rear extension connecting the existing dwelling and outbuilding.


Recommendation: That planning permission be granted.

Additional documents:


The application was for erection of a single storey rear extension connecting the existing dwelling and outbuilding at 96 Wolsey Road, Moor Park, Northwood.


The application was before the Committee as it had been called in by three members of the Planning Committee unless officers were minded to refuse planning permission, due to the impact on the Conservation Area and plot coverage.


The Planning Officer advised there was no update.


Elaine Tooke, Director of Moor Park (1958) Ltd spoke against the application.


In debate, Members considered whether the proposal would preserve or enhance the Conservation Area.  The Committee noted that the development would only be visible from within the application site.  The Planning Officer commented that officers did not consider that the development would detract from the Conservation Area and were therefore of the view that it did preserve the Conservation Area and was policy compliant.


The Committee noted that the outbuilding had originally been developed using permitted development rights.  A Committee Member expressed the view that the addition of the rear extension connecting it to the dwelling would result in a development with a larger footprint than might otherwise have been permitted.


The Planning Officer drew the Committee’s attention to Condition 4 which proposed the removal of permitted development rights in relation to Class E, meaning that the homeowner would not be able to construct another outbuilding elsewhere in the garden under permitted development.


A Member commented that although not visible from the road, the proposal would cause harm to the Conservation Area by virtue of its size.  Members also discussed the possibility of the development acting as a precedent for others.  The Planning Officer clarified that every planning application needed to be determined on its own merits, and approval of the application would not infer that other such developments within the Conservation Area would be granted approval.


The Chair moved, and Councillor Gazzard seconded, that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions.  On being put to the vote the motion was carried, the voting being 5 For, 4 Against, 1 Abstention.


RESOLVED:  that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.