Issue - meetings
24/1161/FUL – Change of use of land to residential use in association with Fortunes Farm including extension and conversion of existing stable block to home office and gym at FORTUNES FARMHOUSE, HIGH ELMS LANE, ABBOTS LANGLEY, WATFORD, HERTFORDSHIRE,
Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 74)
Change of use of land to residential use in association with Fortunes Farm including extension and conversion of existing stable block to home office and gym.
Recommendation: That planning permission be granted.
Additional documents:
The application was for change of use of land to residential use in association with Fortunes Farm including extension and conversion of existing stable block to home office and gym at Fortunes Farmhouse, High Elms Lane, Abbots Langley.
The application was before the Committee having been deferred at the planning committee meeting on 12 September following concerns relating to the use of the building. An update on the additional information which had been received since that meeting was included in section 1 of the officer’s report. The Committee heard that there were no changes to the proposal, which remained the same as presented at the 12 September meeting.
Councillor Sara Bedford spoke against the application.
A Member commented that the application proposed a meeting room to be used once or twice per year, with no associated condition which limited that use. It was therefore suggested that approving the application would involve the introduction of business use into the Green Belt which could not be monitored or limited.
Committee Members discussed the benefits which the proposal would provide, such as increased storage and a home office area for the applicants, and the re-use of a building which would otherwise be derelict. It was also considered that there were elements such as hardstanding for parking which might be considered to be harmful to the Green Belt. In response to a question the planning officer expressed the view that commercial use at the site may be unacceptable, and therefore its use as a home office, with domestic storage for the sole use of the occupiers of Fortunes Farmhouse had been conditioned.
In debate it was considered that the wording of Condition 4 should be amended to reflect that the new parking spaces should only be used incidental to the enjoyment of, and ancillary to, the residential dwelling.
Councillor Whately-Smith proposed, and Councillor Gazzard seconded, that planning permission be granted with amended wording for Condition 4 to reflect that the new parking spaces should only be used incidental to the enjoyment of, and ancillary to, the residential dwelling. On being put the vote the motion was carried, the voting being 9 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstention.
RESOLVED: that planning permission be granted subject to conditions, with amended wording for Condition 4 to reflect that the new parking spaces should only be used incidental to the enjoyment of, and ancillary to, the residential dwelling.